Tag Archives: Vulcano


Norbert from the facebook LOVE FOR MUSIC wrote sad news. It is about Dutch Eurovision composer HANS VAN HEMERT who passed away. Continue reading DUTCH EUROVISION COMPOSER HANS VAN HEMERT PASSED AWAY

AFRI MUSIC SONG CONTEST – 5th SA registration (Tobi Jooste)

Pre-registration to the Afri music song contest opened on Friday 4 August and will close on 3 October – so artists have a full two months to register. Pre registration is very easy, takes about 1 minute and is FREE. It is, however, important to register as soon as possible so planning can be done. It is also important for sponsors, as they are looking to see what the interest is among the various countries. We also will give promotion in the 2 months and it is obvious we can only give promotion to artists once they have registered as we will do today over about 5 hours by focusing on the first 5 SOUTH AFRICAN artists who have registered. Starting with TOBI JOOSTE who was the artist to be the 5th one to register. Tobi is a singer from Johannesburg and has been singing professionally for over 10 years. Tobi’s first CD contained at least euro cover in Afrikaans – Netherlands 1981 (Het is een wonder of Linda Williams) as well as a Dutch selection song – Een beetje van dit of Vulcano. Over the years Tobi has covered several other Euro songs. He has also done original songs successfully. We wait to see what songs Tobi will enter when song entries open in November.
