Tag Archives: Utopia

Celina Ann hopes for success in Austrian wildcard selection

Celina Ann
Celina Ann

Celina Ann was a finalist at the 2015 Wer Singt für Österreich contest with Utopia. Now she is once again hoping for success in Austria. She has entered the wildcard selection with the song Life Is On Your Side.

Life Is On Your Side is composed by Celina Ann and producer Valentin Oman with Swedish songwriters Niklas Bergqvist and Magnus Almgren. The lyrics are by Celina Ann. The song is published by Sweden Songs and produced by Valentin Oman and mixed and recorded by Simon Johansson.

The songs will be chosen via the ORF Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/ESCOesterreich

You can hear Life Is On Your Side below.

Source: www.esccovers.com
