Tag Archives: Tijana


Artist thoughts by Belgrade Eurettefriend (Designed by Carolina Añazgo Leo)

“I’m Belgrade Eurettefriend and it’s nice to meet… and know your passion for Eurovision! I’m always learning and writing books about new things about the Song Contest around us! Like the time my country debuted at Esc, it won thanks to Marija. Or recently in the latest jesc, when I learned to accept how to being in bottom 3… but is fun to know many things about me and each of my friends countries and how things work for each of us!

Here’s something to know about Tijana, she accepted the opportunity to be a Eurostar at this year’s Esc and she has a team of producers who’ve been in the Contest before (And bring Vienna’s country a 2nd victory). As i always say to my friends and Eurostars alike: Everyfriend who’s in a Eurovision event, they learn a valuable esc-perience to grow as a person! Here’s a fun fact you already know: She was a backing singer in the 2011 contest, but now she’s on her own path writting a new page of the history of Serbia at Esc.” By Belgrade Eurettefriend

Official Broadcaster’s announcement (In Serbian): http://www.rts.rs/…/tijana-bogicevic-predstavlja-srbiju-na-…
Serbia Page at ESCKAZ: http://www.esckaz.com/2017/ser.htm
