Tag Archives: Swaziland

AT THE OGAE PARTY at the Euro fan cafe

Symphony of  SWAZILAND is in Lisbon as part to her prize for becoming the first ever winner of the newly created Afri music song contest. She attended the annual OGAE Party at the Euro fan cafe. Another guest at the party was Netta from ISRAEL, one of the hottest favourites for the 2018 Eurovision song contest. Symphony did not have a TOY for Netta but gave her a copy of her brand new CD and surprised Netta by singing part of TOY to her.



Swaziland win the first AfriMusic Song Contest with Symphony and ‘Sengikhona’

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Congratulations to Symphony with her song Sengikhona for winning the first ever AfriMusic Song Contest. It is a beautiful and soulful ballad. Sengikhona is composed by Zanele Cele.

Symphony has released a Sengikhona EP and it is available on most digital platforms such as iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Deezer and more.

The manager of Symphony is King Siso. He is also a singer and performer and is the boyfriend of the four times San Marino participant at Eurovision, Valentina Monetta.

Symphony will be in Lisbon, Portugal at the Eurovision Song Contest to celebrate and promote her success.

You can hear Sengikhona below.

Source: ESC Covers


Lobamba Africafriend
Country that represents: Swaziland
Gender: Male
Birthday: September 06
Eurovision Land Countepart Friend: Zagreb Eurofriend
Lobamba is a lot of heroism for everyfriend since he’s Afrimusicville’s favourite hero… and his mask is pretty cool, perfect for his job to save the day with a few words!

He spends his time using his Afrimusic charm powers to save the day in a unique way! And the morning newspaper is filled with stories starring him!

We don’t know how he looks without his mask… Even Zagreb doesn’t know the answers to that question. Like they say, a good superhero has a cool mask to make them cooler!


AFRI MUSIC SONG CONTEST – 41 countries have registered

A week ago we reported that 39 of the 54 African countries have registered to take part in the first Afri music song contest. A week later and now we can report that two more countries have registered – SWAZILAND and MADAGASCAR bringing the total to a staggering 41 countries just one less than the 42 Eurovision had in Kyiv this year. There are still about 2 weeks to go until 3 October deadline and can we reach the magic 42 countries?
