Emmelie De Forest returns to the spotlight with her brand new single entitled Sanctuary. It is a great pop song that has a strong production and it suits Emmelie’s clear and charming vocals perfectly.
Emmelie spoke about Sanctuary by saying “A Sanctuary could be many different things. To me, it’s all the ideas that pop up in your head and then suddenly you see them transform from a feather in your mind to actual wings. It’s really the feeling of creating something, weather it be a song, a story or a painting. So to me a sanctuary is not just a place to hide from danger, but a place away from the world and the daily life where you can dream and create”.
Sanctuary is available from most digital platforms for download such as iTunes and Google Play.
Emmelie won the 2013 Eurovision Song Contest for Denmark with Only Teardrops and this year she showed her songwriting prowess by composing jointly the United Kingdom Eurovision song by Lucie Jones, Never Give Up On You.
We look forward to hearing more of Emmelie’s new songs in the future and wish her success with this comeback single.
You can hear Sanctuary below.
Source: Cosmos Music; ESC Covers