Tag Archives: Rebecka Karlsson

Rebecka Karlsson performs at the 2015 Malmö Pride in Sweden

Rebecka Karlsson {copyright: Rebecka Karlsson/facebook}
Rebecka Karlsson {copyright: Rebecka Karlsson/facebook}

Recently we told you about the exciting new release by Rebecka Karlsson entitled Surrender which is the Malmö Pride Official Song for 2015. Rebecka took to the stage and excited fans at the Malmö Pride by performing four songs.

Rebecka performed Surrender composed by Ylva Persson and Linda Persson. She also sang Ghost Flower, which was the 2o14 Stockholm Pride song and she performed another of her top releases, We Got The Night. Rebecka also previewed a forthcoming song that she has recently recorded.

These days are very busy for Rebecka as she is constantly busy with recording and touring. But she loves the stage and her confidence and enthusiasm are growing all the time. Rebecka has also recorded her own version of A Million Voices by Polina Gagarina (ESC Russia 2015). We will bring you more about this and more exciting releases by Rebecka in the near future.

You can see Rebecka perform Surrender live on stage at the 2015 Malmö Pride below.

Source: Rebecka Karlsson; www.esccovers.com

Rebecka Karlsson sings Surrender (Malmö Pride 2015 – Official Song)

Rebecka Karlsson {copyright: lydeen.se}
Rebecka Karlsson {copyright: lydeen.se}

Rebecka Karlsson is a young and rising star in Sweden. She has just released the official song for the Malmö Pride 2015 entitled Surrender. Rebecka also recorded Ghost Flower for the Stockholm Pride 2014.

Surrender is composed by Ylva Persson and Linda Persson who are prolific songwriters and performers from Sweden. Ylva and Linda have written several songs for Eurovision national selections such as Belarus, Malta and Moldova in recent years. The music, lyrics, arrangement and production are by Ylva and Linda Persson, who also provide the backing vocals. It is produced and mixed by Will Taylor with Rebecka’s lyrics recorded by Jens Lundgren at Studio Titan Dalby.

Rebecka has been singing since a young child. She has successfully competed in the 2008 and 2014 Talang competitions in Sweden and also performs in a duo called ReWind and is currently touring with the Cadillac Band. Rebecka is passionate about the Eurovision Song Contest and has big ambitions to perform on the Eurovision stage in the near future.

You can see the video for Surrender below. You can stream the song at  Spotify https://play.spotify.com/track/1Ibri9g73xHwAHCpmcgmvg?play=true&utm_source=open.spotify.com&utm_medium=open and purchase at iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/se/album/surrender-malmo-pride-2015/id1016381461

Source: facebook.com/rebecka.karlsson; facebook.com/facebook.com/ylvalindapersson; www.esccovers.com