Tag Archives: Portugal


To The Head Of Rádio e Televisão de Portugal,

I am writing to you today to try and convince you that Portugal should reconsider their decision not to enter Eurovision in 2016.

I understand your withdrawal came after a long and intensive evaluation of Portugal’s participation in the competition, and that you have chosen not to include the Eurovision Song Contest in your programming grid. I also know that you intend to return in 2017. But I believe that skipping 2016 is a mistake.

For me, Portugal is one of the most important countries  contributing to the wonderful blend of cultures and music that defines Eurovision. Each year the entry from Portugal exposes Europe and the world to the beautiful Portuguese language and culture. It was seeing the lovely Portuguese entries year after year that inspired me to visit Portugal in 2008, and I’m so glad I did.

Portugal consistently sends uplifting and unique entries year after year. The rhythms, language and culture of Portuguese music is something that no other country can offer, and something many Eurovision fans look forward to. While it is unfortunate that this enthusiasm has not always been reflected in the voting outcome, I can assure you that the Portuguese entry is an absolutely essential piece of the Eurovision puzzle, much like Portugal’s active role in the European community.

Portugal is a Eurovision heritage country with so many years of entries. Entering Eurovision 48 times is something to be proud of, and songs like Ha um mar que nos separa and Quero ser tua have added to the wonderful catalogue of entries from over the years.

Please reconsider your decision, because a Eurovision Song Contest without Portugal is a very sad thing to see. Perhaps a 2016 entry could even lead to the 2017 Eurovision Song Contest being held in Lisbon?


An Australian fan


To the Head Of TV Entertainment RTP,


48 times and counting. What’s another year?

People of the world are sick of visiting cold countries! 2017 is the year for sunshine and sardines!

I love the idea of a refresh – RESET, REFRESH and surprise us, NOW. Like a Portuguese tart! It has a lot of history but is always fresh, so eat it while it’s hot.

Listen to your people – a Crowdfunding campaign? Who does that – people who love their country, their music and their Eurovision.

I visited Lisbon in 2015 and I want more. I make a pledge to visit Portugal every year that I attend Eurovision. Eurovision has broadened my geographic knowledge and made me want to visit different places including Portugal. Which BTW reminded me of Australia (and I love my country).

Katia Averia has put her hand up. Say YES. Ask her brother to chip in some money! If not, go to any Fado bar. Pick one of your many fantastic singers (so many to choose from, maybe your the lucky country).

Get Nando’s (famous in various countries for Peri Peri sauce and Portuguese Chicken) to sponsor the entrant. I’m sure they’ll have some great ideas to create a fantastic social, advertising and media campaign (look them up on Wikipedia).

Use the world’s biggest free resource, the internet. Get some tips from Switzerland and find an International star to sing for you. Hint: Australia is desperate to go again (perhaps under the title of Portugal)!

Quero Ser Tua ‘went off’ at the Euro Fan Café’ in Vienna. People are listening. Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh. Remember when Russia won in 2008? All I heard was “it’s Russia’s time to win”. Well, last year in Vienna I heard a lot of “it’s Portugal’s time to win”! I can’t say you will win but I predict if a country in your region does, tourists will be lining up at your door.

To be serious though…

…This is a great opportunity that not every country in the world has. I’m from Australia. We have been lucky enough to participate once (most likely). One time. And so many others will never have the chance. But Portugal does. I would love to showcase our talent every year. And it’s not just about the talent; it’s about so many things:

Tradition. Pride. Competition. Showcasing. Celebrating. Peace.
But most importantly, although we have our differences, we can come together as a united people and enjoy a moment together – a moment that can change your life forever.

Think of all the people with sad faces right now. Then think of all the people with smiles on their faces when you agree to reinstate your participation. Even people from Australia!

Don’t give up.


Head of TV Entertainment Portugal – broadcaster RTP

I am disappointed and surprised that Portugal has decided not to join in the competition for Eurovision 2016 – Stockholm.

Having visited Portugal in 2009 I found the country to be steeped in music and the traditional music, Fado, was very moving and unique. It is a lament to all that has been lost…in love and in war. This wonderful music was performed from so many different musicians from humble men in their local cafe or bar to professional Fado artists who had perfected their craft and sound.  I felt that Portugal had a strong musical spirit and this is supported by the fact that Portugal has been an entrant is 48 Eurovision competitions and this is the most of any country! A remarkable feat of persistence! This fact shows that the country loves music and always enjoys a chance to perform. What a wonderful way to showcase Portugal to the rest of Europe and the world. Keep entertaining us Portugal. We need to hear more of your special music.

Please reconsider…It is only a matter of time until Portugal wins but of course if Portugal does not enter,  then their time for winning will never come!


A heartbroken fan


The points table will close on 31 October 2015.

There is one more chance for points but this is exclusively just for people who became members for 2016. We know some of you joined late and did not have all the chances for points like the older members (especially good luck messages). So here is your last chance – the closing date is 21 October 2015.
It is a much more difficult task but there are a lot of points at stake – two members can get 100 points each which will almost guarentee those two for ticket packages.
The two winners will be judges by a panel of three people
Andy Mikheev – Kazakhstan
Cole van Dais – South Africa
Gerry Avelino – United States
These three people are not taking tickets themselves so they will judge each entry purely on merit. They won’t even know who is who, as I will get the entries and give it to them just as entry from A or B or C, no names.
So unlike normal tasks, this task will requite a little more thought to make sure you stand a chance to be one of the two winners.
One of the most important aspects of EUROVISION is which countries will take part and fans are always sad when some countries decide not to take part. Recently we heard NO’s from Croatia, Bosnia and Portugal. But we also know Turkey, Slovakia, Luxembourg, Andorra and Monaco will not participate.
The task is, you have to pick one of these NON participating countries and write a letter to their HEAD OF TV ENTERTAINMENT and give reasons why you as a fan want this country to reconsider and take part.
I myself have done this several times and in the case of two, I have had some success in that these countries did take part and one even wrote to me saying my mail got them thinking. The first example is CZECH REPUBLIC 2015. I wrote a long letter to them once we knew Eurovision 2015 would be in Vienna. My reasons for them to take part is that in 1968 their most famous singer KAREL GOTT took part for Austria in Eurovision with a song composed by Udo Jurgens, the only previous Austrian winner and it would be wonderful to have them make a return in Vienna. Even in Vienna Marta and Vaclav spoke to me as they knew of the South African who is a huge Karel Gott fan. In my mail to Czech republic I attached also sales figures of Karel Gott covers in South Africa (12 of his songs have been covered in Afrikaans with sales to around 3 million). Of course they did write to me to say other factors played a role as well, but it was great that I reminded them about this special connection between Austria and the Czech republic.
The second example was AUSTRIA 2011 – and here I focused mainly on the fact that Eurovision 2011 was in DUSSELDORF in Germany and it would look awful if a fellow German speaking country is absent.
I know this is not going to be easy but a lot of points are at stake and so think carefully which country you will pick and what reasons you will use to get them to return.
I would like to send the best mails to these countries – maybe a last passionate plea would get maybe one to return. We have nothing to loose.

Answers to info@esccovers.com



RTP has announced at a press conference, the names of composers, authors and artists participating in RTP – Song Festival 2015 (Portuguese selection for the Eurovision Song Contest), as well as song titles, LARGE AND GREAT SURPRISES :Title: Waiting songs
Performer: Simone de Oliveira
Music: Renato Junior
Letter: Tiago Torres da Silva

Title: All night
Performer: Filipa Baptista
Music: Augusto Madureira
Letter: Augusto Madureira

Title: Another Spring Time
Performer: Yola Dinis
Music: Nuno Feist
Letter: Nuno Marques da Silva

Title: Dance Joan
Performer: Filipe Gonçalves
Music: Heber Marques
Letter: Heber Marques

Title: A Fado in Vienna
Performer: Teresa Radamanto
Music: Fernando Abrantes
Lyrics: Jorge Mangorrinha

Title: When the moon again pass
Performer: Rubi Machado
Music: Sebastian Antunes
Lyrics: Sebastian Antunes

Title: There is a sea that separates us
Performer: Leonor Andrade
Music: Miguel Gameiro
Lyrics: Miguel Gameiro

Title: Damn Time
Performer: Diana Piedade
Music: Carlos Massa
Lyrics: Carlos Massa

Title: lower Evil (No one guide me to the right)
Performer: José Freitas
Music: Chukry (Diogo Rodrigues)
Letter: Chukry (Diogo Rodrigues)

Title: Peace
Performer: Adelaide Ferreira
Music: Adelaide Ferreira
Letter: Adelaide Ferreira

Title: You have a magic
Performer: Gonçalo Tavares
Music: Gonçalo Tavares
Letter: Gonçalo Tavares & José Cid

Title: Lisbon, Lisbon
Performer: Rita Seidi
Music: Sara Tavares

Letter: Sara Tavares & Kalaf