Natalie Balmix x Martija x Young Dadi recently collaborated on the electrifying song Srebreni Krilja (Silver Wings). An upbeat r’n’b banger with a top production.
Tamara Grujeska recently released her latest single called Samo nasmevni se (Just smile). A very slick and soulful song with a memorable melody and beautiful vocals.
Martija Stanojkovic, who now professionally goes by the name, MARTIJA, released a brand new song yesterday.
Fenomen, translating as Phenomenon, is an energetic pop tune with elements of hip hop and urban. The music video features Marija endlessly running and gradually losing items of clothing, and is quite exhausting to watch!
Martija famously represented North Macedonia in the 2016 Junior Eurovision Song Contest with the song Love Will Lead Our Way (Ljubovta ne vodi) where she finished in 12th position.
Martija was born in April 7, 2004 in the country’s capital, Skopje, and has released numerous songs since then. Her latest song, Fenomen, is available to watch on her official music video.
Find out more about Martija and her music on the following social media channels.
Ana & Aleksej have released the song Marathon that they will represent North Macedonia with at the 2024 Junior Eurovision Song Contest in Madrid in November.
Tamara Grujeska won two major prizes at the 2024 Greece’s Hope festival where she was representing North Macedonia. She won the Grand Prix and also First Prize in the pop and rock category.
Tamara Stojkovska has released her new single, Podobro zasluzhuvam (I deserve better). An upbeat dance track with a nice retro feel and hot summer vibe.