Tag Archives: Mesajul meu

JO releases her new single and video ‘Mesajul meu’

JO {copyright: Cat Music & Famous Production}
JO {copyright: Cat Music & Famous Production}

JO has released a brand new single and official video for Mesajul meu (My message).  The song and video are on the Cat Music & Famous Production in Romania.

JO is Ioana Anuța and she represented Romania at the 2009 Junior Eurovision Song Contest with Ai puterea in mana ta. JO has since gone to great success in Romania as a singer and presenter. She was a finalist in the Romania X Factor in 2012. Her successful singles include Soapte.

JO will be presenting from the Green Room in the 2016 Selecţia Naţională (Romanian Eurovision national selection) shows.

You can see the official video for Mesajul meu below.

Source: facebook/jooficial; www.esccovers.com