Tag Archives: Esperanto

POLAND 2003 – new cover

Hello,I’m pleased to announce you that the Polish band Ich Troje recorded my French-English-Esperanto version “Plus de frontières, no more borders” of the song “Keine Grenzen, żadnych granic” with which they represented Poland in the Eurovision Song Contest 2003 in the original German-Polish-Russian version, and that it was included in their latest album “Remixed/Nierdzewny” released on the 10th of June 2016 !

http://www.warnermusic.pl/album/remixed-nierdzewny-jze7 (CD2)
http://fsoghomonian.blogspot.fr/2015/08/plus-de-frontieres-no-more-borders.html  (lyrics)

The songwriters of the original version are :
Michał Wiśniewski & Jacek Łągwa & Joachim Horn-Bernges & André Franke.

Ich Troje are, to my knowledge, the first Eurovision artists who record (and release) a version (partially) in Esperanto of the song they competed with !

Francis Soghomonian