Tag Archives: Alexander Rybak


Nina is the second member of In Fusion to answer the questions from ESC Covers
1. Since you are from NORWAY – what is your best highlight from Norway’s entries at Eurovision
I absolutely love ‘’Secret Garden’’ from 1995. Me and my best friend sometimes lie down with our eyes closed and just listen to it. It’s one of the most magical songs I’ve ever heard.
I also wanna mention that I thought Alexander Rybaks ‘Fairytale’ in 2009 was awesome. Especially because a good friend of mine played violin on stage and I was so proud!2. Since your composers are from SWEDEN – what is your best highlight from Sweden’s entries at Eurovision

From Sweden I love Euphoria by Loreen from 2012. Such a majestic song. I get goosebumps just thinking about her performance. She was barefoot and completely alone on stage, but somehow she filled every corner with her presence. I was blown away.3. Now besides Sweden and Norway, what is your best impression from Eurovision in general

The first song that comes to mind that really made an impression is ‘’Rise Like A Phoenix’’. I thought that was such a powerful song with a powerful performance. Loved it.
Thank you Nina, seems you also like Saima think Loreen is great and Conchita.

Alexander Rybak releases new single – ‘I Came To Love You’

AlexanderRybak {from the official video of 'I Came To Love You'}
AlexanderRybak {from the official video of ‘I Came To Love You’}

Alexander Rybak has recently released his brand new single for the summer of 2016. It is entitled I Came To Love You. It is composed by Alexander himself. The song is a happy song for summer and the official video was filmed on the Greek island of Rhodes.

The music video is by Rustam Romanov and the song was mixed and mastered at Knut Bjørnar Asphol at Masterpool Studios. The violin is not present in the video.

Alexander Rybak won the 2009 Eurovision Song Contest for Norway with Fairytale.

Source: Alexander Rybak Video/You Tube; ESC Covers



By Steve Humphreys (Australia)

One of my favourite moments from back in Vienna 2015, was seeing just how well contestants Mans Zelmerlow (Sweden) & Guy Sebastian (Australia) got on together during that week. Then this great freindship even transcended onto the Eurovision scoreboard, when both countries gave each other 12 points. There was even talk of a future duet between Mans and Guy, that would be special. This has got me thinking how many times has two stars of the past Eurovision Song Contests have actually got together to make a duet? besides covering a Eurovision entry, itself.

So  I did some searching around and came up with my own

Top 10 Eurovision artists duets.

1. Maria Haukaas Storeng & Måns Zelmerlöw- ‘Precious to Me’

2. Christer Björkman & Shirley Clamp- La Vie/ This is My Life

3. Agnetha Faltskog & Tomas Ledin- Never Again

4. Johnny Logan & Nicole – No One Makes Love like You/Niemand liebt so wie du

(composed by Ralph Siegel and Bernd Meinunger)

5. Elisabeth Andreassen & Tor Endresen- All over the World (MGP 15)

6. Olivia Newton-John & Cliff Richard- Suddenly (From Xanadu movie)

7. Timoteij Feat Alexander Rybak-Vända Med Vinden

8. Malena Ernman & Sarah Dawn Finer – Sancta Lucia (2013)

9. Jan Johansen & Jill Johnson- Let it be me

10.  Anita Skorgan Med Jahn Teigen- Friendly

If you know of some other Eurovision duets, let us know in the comments,

Footnote: When putting this Top 10 together I realised that just one artist that actually technically should not be on the list, as they have not appeared on a Eurovision Song Contest stage, Who is that?

 that’s Timoteij. I think this is okay as I recon they will make it to Eurovision one year in the not too distant future.(fingers crossed) (also the fantastic Sarah Dawn Finer made it as an interval act in Malmo)

New version of Fairytale by Mørland feat. Debrah Scarlett

Mørland feat. Debrah Scarlett {copyright: Cantusstudio.no}
Mørland feat. Debrah Scarlett {copyright: Cantusstudio.no}

A new version of Fairytale by Alexander Rybak has appeared in Norway. The winning song from Norway from 2009 has been covered by Mørland & Debrah Scarlett.

The song was recorded live at Cantus Studio and features Debrah Scarlett who Mørland  will be performing with at the with at this year’s Melodi Grand Prix in Oslo, Norway. Together they will perform A Monster Like Me.

Source: Morten Thomassen, www.esccovers.com