Tag Archives: 2015 Kënga Magjike

Aurela Gaçe wins the 2015 Kënga Magjike festival in Albania…and Juliana Pasha takes third place

Aurela Gaçe/Juliana Pasha {copyright: Klan tv/Super Sonic tv}
Aurela Gaçe/Juliana Pasha {copyright: Klan tv/Super Sonic tv}

Aurela Gaçe represented Albania at the 2011 Eurovision Song Contest with her song Feel The Passion. She was one of the most accomplished and successful singers in Albania and the Balkans.

Aurela has just won the 2015 Kënga Magjike competition. It is one of the most important music festivals in Albania. The song Akomo Jo was composed by Adrian Hila, who wrote the Albanian Eurovision entries in 2005, 2007 and 2008. The song is a dramatic and powerful ballad.

Also, competing and finishing in third place was the 2010 Albanian Eurovision singer of It’s All About You, Juliana Pasha. She performed the powerful song Vullkan (Volcano).

You can see Aurela and Juliana perform their songs below.

Source: Sentiljana Plaku; Klan tv; www.esccovers.com