Ida Andia from Romania today discuss the chances of her home country to qualify to the Grand final at the 2019 Eurovision song contest.
Frankly, I have tried to be as objective as I could with Romania, being my country. Ester Peony is a known singer in Romania who has collaborated with numerous artists from the country (with whom she has also released videos that have reached millions of views – ”Sub Aripa Ta” with Veșcan; English: ”Under your wing” ) and has original songs. When I listened to the song ”On a Sunday” for the first time, I realized it had something magical, something that Romania had not sent before at Eurovision. From the first listening, I hoped that this will be the entry of Romania in Israel. The way Ester moves on stage, her voice, the song – I think all this will make a good number in the semifinal and Romania could make a rematch – last year was the first non-qualifying of Romania – this time it could qualify in the Grand Final in Tel Aviv.