Italy: Sanremo first night results

The Sanremo festival began in Italy with the first 14 acts performing. Voting was by the press consisting of journalists from internet, TV and magazines and newspapers.

The press voting for first night –

  1. Marco Mengoni Due vite (Two lives)
  2. Elodie Due (Two)
  3. Come_Cose L’addio (The goodbye)
  4. Ultimo Alba (Dawn)
  5. Leo Gassman Terzo cuore (Third heart)
  6. Mara Sattei Duemilaminuti (Twothousandminutes)
  7. Colla Zio – Non mi va (I do not feel like)
  8. Cugini di Campagna Lettera 22 (Letter 22)
  9. Mr. Rain Supereroi (Superheroes)
  10. Gianluca Grignani Quando ti manca il fiato (When you’re out of breath)
  11. Ariete Mare di guai (Sea of trouble)
  12. gIANMARIA – Mostro (Monster)
  13. OLLY – Polvere (Dust)
  14. Anna Oxa  Sali (Go out)

A guest performer was Blanco (who represented Italy with Mahmood at 2022 Eurovision) was booed for trashing flowers on the stage. He threw a tantrum in an apparent rage.

You can see Marco Mengoni below.

Source: ESC Covers; RAI; Wanted In Rome

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