‘Ranina’ the popular selection show for the Georgia representative for Junior Eurovision aired its first episode of the current season this evening.
With the contestants selected and announced, the show was originally scheduled for March/April, but fell victim to the Covid 19 pandemic.
This year’s show will be the third season following the selection of Tamar Edilashvili in 2018 and Giorgi Rostiashvili in 2019.
The show will follow the format of previous years with 5 artists initially each week performing in ‘tours’ or themed shows with no eliminations until the later stages.
You can watch all this weeks performances below:
Nia khinchikashvili
Lela Kveniashvili
Gio Gogiashvili
Sesili Turmanidze
Rati Gelovani
Barry thanks for a comprehensive overview of the songs – just love those CURLS in the Georgian language, it looks so exotic!