ESC Covers start the Eurovision 2024 countdown from position 37 to the top place. We are using the review of Morten Thomassen from Norway. ESC Covers google translated it from Norwegian to English.

This is a blog entry and represents only writer Morten Thomassen’s own views.

As previously mentioned, it is obviously not easy to be a participant in our beloved competition if you come from a small country with few inhabitants and therefore may not have many of its inhabitants abroad to obtain votes from there.

In terms of population, the country we’re talking about today doesn’t exactly tower over, but then you might think that it would help to feature artists from a country that is among the top in terms of population, namely the Spanish group MEGARA.

Unfortunately, it didn’t help much that out of the 16 points they got, 10 of them came from the home country of the group when the rest of those who voted weren’t impressed enough to vote for them, but the one good score most likely saved it from last place and that’s possibly something.

It is not entirely easy to say why what this group served us was not better received, part of the reason may probably be that there were so many rock songs in this semi-final and then there were simply those who drew the shortest straw.

Despite absolutely acceptable vocals and a show with a lot of energy, the song they served us was possibly a bit too confusing with a bit too many shifts between musical styles and thus it didn’t quite hang together and then it ended up that most rock fans found something else they’d rather would vote for.

Now it’s been 3 years without a final place for this country, they should have that they really try, but maybe choose an artist internally instead of having such a gigantic national final like they have now?

Featured image – Corinne Cumming EBU

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