ESC Covers start the Eurovision 2024 countdown from position 37 to the top place. We are using the review of Morten Thomassen from Norway. ESC Covers google translated it from Norwegian to English.

This is a blog entry and represents only writer Morten Thomassen’s own views.

Normally, having an 82% chance of qualifying for the final should hold a lot, but our Polish friend Luna lost her rook and the final place was actually quite far away as there were 12 points and 2 places missing on the results list to get there.

A couple of good scores did not hold up when the rest of those who voted were rather indifferent to a song that many believed in and which also did well in Adresse Malmø, even though a top position there is absolutely no guarantee of ESC success.

Usually, single countries like Poland that have a good proportion of their citizens as workers in other countries have an advantage when only telephone votes apply, so in a way it is perhaps a sign of health that it did not go their way this time.

When you look at the performance, it appears as if those who planned the show possibly took a little too much cod liver oil and simply crammed far too much into the three minutes you have at your disposal, and then there will be a lot to think about for a poor artist who will come through this and the whole performance appeared basically messy and incomprehensible.

Luna had to cancel some of the pre-concerts due to voice problems and she was not completely rid of those problems when she came to Malmö, vocally what we could hear was weak and puzzled at times and what were supposed to be the impressive parts of the song disappeared completely and it punished one must be able to say.

In the last 10 ESC competitions, our Polish friends have qualified 50% of the time, so one would think that it should go the right way next year then, it’s rarely the songs from there that have anything wrong with them, they are usually shared by what happening on stage.

Featured image – Corinne Cumming EBU

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