Cocos return with special New Year clip ‘Novorichne Kino (New Year’s Cinema)’

Cocos Group are back after five years with a fabulous new song and video clip. The special track is called Novorichne Kino (New Year’s Cinema).

The Cocos are from Ukraine and now consist of Ilonchyk and Olesia. They plan to record a new album and film more music videos. The talented girls also perform for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Covid and the war suspended activity with the group but they are now happy to be back.

Novorichne Kino (New Year’s Cinema) was recorded by Maksym Palamarchuk and is composed by Tamil Doroshenko. Editing is by Konstantin (Master Studio Kyiv) and producere is Igor Valeriyovych. Thanks to Pavel Shein for the music video.

You can see the music video for Novorichne Kino (New Year’s Cinema) below.


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