The selection CD of Iceland 2015 is now available on Itunes
1. Aldrei of seint – Regína Ósk 2. Augnablik – Stefanía Svavarsdóttir 3. Brotið gler – Bjarni Hall 4. Fjaðrir – Sunday 5. Fyrir alla – Cadem 6. Í kvöld – Elín Sif Halldórsdóttir 7. Í síðasta skipti – Friðrik Dór 8. Lítil skref – María Ólafsdóttir 9. Milljón augnablik – Haukur Heiðar Hauksson 10. Myrkrið hljótt – Erna Hrönn Ólafsdóttir 11. Piltur og stúlka – Björn og félagar 12. Þú leitar líka að mér – Hinemoa 13.–24. Karaoke versions of all songs
The next leg of the Lithuanian Eurovision process took place on Saturday night. Seven acts remained and performed a potential Eurovision song for Vienna. All the acts have been swapping around and trying the different songs. Two of the acts Edgaras Lubys and Mia sang a duet together last night instead of performing separately.
The six acts and songs tonight were –
Jurgis Brūzga – This Time
Liepa Mondeikaitė – Skęstu
Edgaras Lubys & Mia – Take My Love
Neringa Šiaudikytė – Dangerous
Vaidas Baumila –The Right Way
Monika Linkytė – No More Tears
After a combination of local and international expert juries and the televoting two acts had to leave the competition this week. They were Liepa Mondeikaitė and Neringa Šiaudikytė. Both acts were strong contenders and will no doubt try again for Eurovision in future years.
We have heard that Thomas will be helping Nina in Georgia with her entry WARRIOR – doing a new arrangement. Hopefully this will give the song an even more international feel. If I remember correctly, he did the same in 2007 for Malta with the song Vertigo by Olivia Lewis
This is a very easy question – with ESC Covers publishing the covers of several Herrey’s vinyl singles, we need you to name one of the 3 Herrey brothers – the first name, so there are 3 to choose from.