Category Archives: Romina Mamo/Solidarjetà – B’qalb wahda int u jien

Romina Mamo records music video with students for fundraising cause

Romina Mamo & students {copyright: Bendedittu Productions}
Romina Mamo & students {copyright: Bendedittu Productions}

Romina Mamo has had much success in music festivals in Malta and internationally. She has also appeared in the Malta Song For Europe on four occasions.

Romina is a very busy girl because besides singing she is also a teacher. She has just recorded a music video with her students for a fund raising activity in Malta. It was recorded at the school in a new recording studio and the filming and editing was by a 14 year old student. Most of the students had never sung before.

The song is entitled Solidarjetà – B’qalb wahda int u jien (Solidarity – We are one heart). The production is by Benedittu Productions – secondary school – Performing Arts Education. The song was composed by  Philip Vella (composer of several Maltese Eurovision songs, and lyrics by Carmelo Mamo (Romina’s father).

You can see the video for Solidarjetà – B’qalb wahda int u jien below.
