Category Archives: Elené Mikiashvili/Giga Paparskiri/Emotions

New photoshoot from new video clip for Elené Mikiashvili and Giga Papaskiri for new cover song ‘Emotions’

Elené MIkiashvili & Giga Papaskiri {copyright:  Lika Avaliani}
Elené MIkiashvili & Giga Papaskiri {copyright: Lika Avaliani}

Elené Mikiashvili has teamed up once again with top DJ Giga Papaskiri to record a cover of the song entitled Emotions composed by Davit Evgenidze. The song will be released very shortly and ESC Covers will bring more details of this in due course.

In the meantime Elené and Giga have been making a video clip for Emotions. The popular and respected photographer Lika Avaliani has been on set to make a brand new photoshoot. You can see the beautiful results below.

Elené and Giga have been a formidable team recently recording songs like With Me and Artificial Love and performing and touring around Georgia and even to Lithuania.

Elené was a popular contestant on The Voice of Georgia and participated in the Georgian Eurovision national selection with Fighter earlier this year.

Source: ESC Covers


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