Category Archives: Competitions


Ogae Rest of the world, in conjunction with its member/fan website ESC Covers is introducing a quiz to celebrate 60 years of Eurovision.

Over a period of 20 days, there will be 12 questions posted on the website.

You need to answer all 12 questions but do not fear if you have some incorrect. Any entry with less than 6 correct answers will be discarded.

There are 4 prizes to win (Eurovision hampers) and the prizes are in categories

CATEGORY 1 – one winner out of the entries with all 12 questions correct

CATEGORY 2 – one winner out of the entries with 10 or 11 questions correct

CATEGORY 3 – one winner out of the entries with 8 or 9 questions correct

CATEGORY 4 – one winner out of the entries with 6 or 7 questions correct

There will be one question per day for 12 days over a period of 20 days.

Once all 12 questions have been presented, you e-mail your answers to I also need your name and postal address. If you are coming to Vienna, also indicate that, as winners who are coming, will receive their hampers there. If you are not coming to Vienna, your hamper will be posted after Eurovision 2015.

The whole idea it to raise awareness of the website and get you to visit it regularly because all 12 questions will appear on different days. I would like us to reach 30 000 visitors before the start of Eurovision in May.