Category Archives: 2015 Eurovision Song Contest

First semi-final in Estonia

Elephants From Neptune {copyright:}
Elephants From Neptune {copyright:}

The first semi-final of the 2015 Eesti Laul has taken place in Estonia. 10 acts performed and five have qualified for the final.

The acts and songs were –

  1. Karl-Erik TaukarPäev Korraga
  2. MiinaKohvitassi Lugu
  3. The Blurry LaneExceptional
  4. Liis Lemsalu & Egert MilderHold On
  5. Airi Vipulkumar KansarSaatuse Laul
  6. Maia VahtramäeÜle Vesihalli Taeva
  7. Robin Juhkental & The Big BangersTroubles
  8. Elephants From NeptuneUnriddle Me
  9. Elisa KolkSuperlove
  10. BluestockingKordumatu

The voting was a combination of jury and televoting. The five acts to progress to the final are – Elisa Kolk, Elephants From NeptuneRobin Juhkental & The Big BangersMaia Vahtramäe, The Blurry Lane.


Second semi-final in Iceland

The second semi-final of the 2015 Söngvakeppnin has taken place in Iceland. Six more acts performed and three progressed to the final.

The six acts and songs were –

  1. Haukur Heiðar Hauksson – Milljón Augnablik
  2. María Ólafsdóttir – Lítil Skref
  3. Sunday – Fjaðrir
  4. Regína ÓskAldrei Of Seint 
  5. Bjarni Lárus HallBrotið Gler
  6. Cadem- Fyrir Alla

The three acts to make it to the final are – María Ólafsdóttir, Sunday, Cadem.

The jury selected a wildcard for the final and that is Haukur Heiðar Hauksson.


Cadem {copyright: cadem official youtube}
Cadem {copyright: cadem official youtube}

Third Quarter final in Hungary

Zoltán Mujahid {copyright:}
Zoltán Mujahid {copyright:}

The third quarter final has taken place in Hungary of the A Dal competition. 10 acts performed and six more acts qualified for the semi-finals. Five of the acts were chosen by the jury and the sixth act by the televoting.

The 10 acts and songs were –

  • BarbieListen To The Universe
  • Zoltán Mujahid – Beside You
  • Proof Of LifeHol a határ
  • Boggie – Wars For Nothing
  • Fool MoonBack To Right
  • Ildikó KeresztesHazám hazád lehet
  • Bálint Gájer – That’s How It Goes
  • Other Planet – Untold Story
  • Kati Wolf – Ne engedj el
  • Spoon – Keep Marching On

The five acts chosen by the jury were – Zoltán Mujahid, Boggie, Bálint Gájer, Other Planet and Kati Wolf. The act chosen by the public via televoting was Spoon.

Kati Wolf represented Hungary at the 2011 Eurovision Song Contest with What About My Dreams.



Melodifestivalen 2015 Semi-Final 1


Tonight the first semi-final of Sweden in Gothenburg, Sweden starts at 20:00 CET in on SVT Play.

Watch it here!

You can also listen to 2:30 second studio snippets here!

Which 2 songs will proceed to the final?  Which 2 songs will have a second chance and which 3 songs will be eliminated?  You decide.

Artist     Song (English translation) Writers (Music / lyrics)  
1 Molly Pettersson Hammar “I’ll Be Fine” Molly Pettersson Hammar, Lisa Desmond, Tim Larsson, Tobias Lundgren, Gavin Jones
2 Daniel Gildenlöw “Pappa” (Dad) Daniel Gildenlöw
3 Rickard Söderberg &
Elize Ryd
“One By One” Elize RydJimmy Jansson, Karl-Ola Kjellholm, Sharon Vaughn
4 Dolly Style “Hello Hi” Emma Nors, Palle Hammarlund, Jimmy Jansson
5 Behrang Miri feat.
Victor Crone
“Det rår vi inte för” (We don’t control it) Behrang Miri, Albin Johnsén, Måns ZelmerlöwTony Nilsson
6 Jessica Andersson “Can’t Hurt Me Now” Aleena Gibson, Fredrik Thomander
7 Eric Saade “Sting” Arash Fahmi, Fredrik Kempe, Hamed “K-one” Pirouzpanah, David Kreuger


As of today, Fred Medeiros joins us as an editor and he will concentrate on Melodifestivalen which starts this Saturday. He will report jointly for us and for ESC UNITED. During the semi finals he will report from home, but he and camera man Liam will be physically present at Andra chancen and the Stockholm final. We look forward to a lot of news. I have also more or less finished the library index for the SA covers of the Swedish selection songs and should have it 100% finished by Saturday.

Four qualify in first phase in Latvia

Latvia kicked off their Eurovision 2015 season yesterday with the first round of the Supernova selection to decide their song for Vienna. 10 acts competed and four would qualify for the next round. An expert jury would decide on two songs to go forward and televoting another two.

The expert jury were Ieva Kerēvica, Kaspars Roga (from  Brainstorm ESC 2000 Latvia), singer Don and Guntars Račs. The 10 acts competing were –

  • Katrina CīruleBass
  • Lana FrančeskaLions
  • Atis IeviņšCatfish
  • Milenin & KamillaColours Of Love
  • Antra Stafecka – It’s The Night 
  • Framest – Ziemā 
  • Linda ĶaukuleSave Our Love
  • MNTHA – Nefelibata 
  • Rihards SauleLife Lines
  • ElektroFolk – Sundance 

The acts selected by the jury were Antra Stafecka and Framest. Televoting sent MNTHA and ElectroFolk through.


2015 Supernova logo {copyright:}
2015 Supernova logo {copyright:}