ABBA has been in the music business for 50 years. To celebrate that happy event, INFE Ireland and INFE South Africa are hosting the ABBA TOP 50. We’ll be posting what we think are the 50 best ABBA songs in alphabetical order. Enjoy!
ESC Covers add a cover to each ABBA song and for TAKE A CHANCE ON ME, we picked JULIA LINDHOLM with a German cover called KOMM UND WAG’S MIT MIR.
ABBA has been in the music business for 50 years. To celebrate that happy event, INFE Ireland and INFE South Africa are hosting the ABBA TOP 50. We’ll be posting what we think are the 50 best ABBA songs in alphabetical order. Enjoy!
ESC Covers add a cover to each ABBA song and for SUPER TROUPER we picked an exotic cover (probably not the best). It is by Salma & Sabina and it is done in Hindi as PEHLI PEHLI PREET.
ABBA has been in the music business for 50 years. To celebrate that happy event, INFE Ireland and INFE South Africa are hosting the ABBA TOP 50. We’ll be posting what we think are the 50 best ABBA songs in alphabetical order. Enjoy!
ESC Covers picked JILL DRESKI’s cover of SUMMER NIGHT CITY. It is also in English.
ABBA has been in the music business for 50 years. To celebrate that happy event, INFE Ireland and INFE South Africa are hosting the ABBA TOP 50. We’ll be posting what we think are the 50 best ABBA songs in alphabetical order. Enjoy!
ESC Covers also pick a cover for each ABBA song and for S O S we picked a Swedish cover by AGNETHA FALTSKOG, one of the Abba females.
ABBA has been in the music business for 50 years. To celebrate that happy event, INFE Ireland and INFE South Africa are hosting the ABBA TOP 50. We’ll be posting what we think are the 50 best ABBA songs in alphabetical order. Enjoy!
ESC Covers pick a cover for each ABBA song and we have picked SOLDIERS by BARBARA DICKSON.
ABBA has been in the music business for 50 years. To celebrate that happy event, INFE Ireland and INFE South Africa are hosting the ABBA TOP 50. We’ll be posting what we think are the 50 best ABBA songs in alphabetical order. Enjoy!
ESC Covers add a cover to this ABBA song. It is by GABBA and it is also in English and called SO LONG.
ABBA has been in the music business for 50 years. To celebrate that happy event, INFE Ireland and INFE South Africa are hosting the ABBA TOP 50. We’ll be posting what we think are the 50 best ABBA songs in alphabetical order. Enjoy!
Normally ESC Covers add a cover to every ABBA song but we were unable to find a cover for this song.
ABBA has been in the music business for 50 years. To celebrate that happy event, INFE Ireland and INFE South Africa are hosting the ABBA TOP 50. We’ll be posting what we think are the 50 best ABBA songs in alphabetical order. Enjoy!
ESC Covers added as usual a cover to every ABBA song and for SLIPPING THROUGH MY FINGERS we picked CLAUDIA JUNG and her German cover DURCH MEINE FINGER RINNT DIE ZEIT.
ABBA has been in the music business for 50 years. To celebrate that happy event, INFE Ireland and INFE South Africa are hosting the ABBA TOP 50. We’ll be posting what we think are the 50 best ABBA songs in alphabetical order. Enjoy!
ESC Covers picked a Finnish cover of RING RING. The title stays the same. SEIJA SIMOLA sang it. She represented Finland at the Eurovision song contest in the 70’s.