Due to load shedding we missed when Morten Thomassen originally discussed the chances of DENMARK. ESC Covers google translated it from Norwegian to English.
Another semi-final-2 country today and this time we sail straight south and meet our Danish friend Reiley.
He sings the song “Breaking My Heart” and this year I have faith that our Danish friends will not have their musical heart broken after their semi-final.
As you probably remember, Denmark have not managed to qualify for the final this decade, but I now believe that it will take one more Faroese to break this particular curse.
This is so young and fresh and basically very TikTok-friendly in all its simplicity.
And the simple is often the best, some say, and just this year I believe that it can finally give our Danish friends a long-desired final place.
And with such a music video, I expect a really colorful performance on stage in Liverpool, it will also help the final chances, I think.