After two semi-finals 14 acts have been announced to participate in the grand final of the Festivali i Këngës 55 in Albania to be held on Friday 23 December. The winning act will represent Albania at the 2017 Eurovision Song Contest in Kiev.
The 14 song and acts are –
1. Dilan Reka – Mos harro
2. Edea Demaliaj – Besoj në ëndrra
3. Fabiola Agalliu & Agnesa Çavolli – Shkon e vjen
4. Flaka Krelani – Osiris
5. Franc Koruni – Macka
6. Genc Salihu – Këtu
7. Lindita Halimi – Botë
8. Lorela – Me ty
9. LYNX – Sot
10. Orges Toçe – Shi diamantësh
11. Rezarta Smaja – Pse prite gjatë
12. Xhesika Polo – Eva jam unë
13. XUXI – Metropol
14. Yll Limani – Shiu
Source: wiwibloggs; ESC Covers
So after today we will know the first song for 2017 Eurovision