New version of ‘Er gehört zu mir’ by Marianne Rosenberg feat. Conchita Wurst

Marianne Rosenberg feat. Conchita Wurst have released a new version of the song Er gehört zu mir (He belongs to me).

Er gehört zu mir was a song that Marianne Rosenberg entered the 1975 Germany Eurovision national selection. Despite finishing in 10th place the song became one of Marianne’s major hits and even now is such a cult tune. This new version by Marianne and Conchita is a more laid back ballad and orchestral version.

Conchita, of course, won the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest for Austria with Rise Like A Phoenix.

You can see the official music video for the new version of Er gehört zu mir below.

Source: ESC Covers – Photo from official video clip of ‘Er gehört zu mir’


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