ESC Covers start the Eurovision 2024 countdown from position 37 to the top place. We are using the review of Morten Thomassen from Norway. ESC Covers google translated it from Norwegian to English.

This is a blog entry and represents only writer Morten Thomassen’s own views.

That our Swedish friends become the best Nordic country in the ESC has almost become the rule rather than the exception, but this year they were not actually predicted to get that honor, but two young handsome fellows from Norwegian Trofors proved that if there is anyone who knows their stuff, it is it’s Swedish even with a passport from another country.

The fact that a Norwegian duo was to represent the host country created some sour faces in some people, I just felt proud of this fact and if there is anyone you should be mad at, it is NRK who could hardly have put up the same arrangement on stage if Marcus and Martinus sang the same song for Norway in this year’s competition.

The boys themselves were a bit upset about the meager number of points from their home country, but it was from their own that they got the most points in total then and not surprisingly, our neighboring country as usual has a good grip on the juries who gave them over 70% of all the points they got, however, it’s a bit strange that a song like this didn’t catch on more with the audience, if you ask me.

Because what we got to see was a great show that suited the song perfectly and the guys have a voice that suits such songs, so from that point of view it should have gone better with the audience, it might be that the fact that they themselves drew starting number 1 in the final was a slightly greater disadvantage in terms of points than one could have predicted.

I would almost say that the biggest problem with the whole performance is that it’s so perfect that you think it’s a music video and not a performance on a stage, but at the same time I feel that the guys bring out the charm they have even though times are a bit dark and unavailable on stage, in any case, one can hope that the two guys will come to their senses and stand for their own homeland next time.

Our Swedish friends, on the other hand, will probably have the same big plan when it comes to the national final and present a song in Switzerland next year that will almost certainly be tipped high, history often repeats itself for this country.

Featured image – Sarah Louise Bennett EBU

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