Melodifestivalen 2015 Semi-Final 4


Tonight the fourth semi-final of Sweden in Örebro, Sweden starts at 20:00 CET in on SVT Play.

Watch it here!

For today only! You can also listen to 2:30 second studio snippets here!

Which 2 songs will proceed to the final?  Which 2 songs will have a second chance and which 3 songs will be eliminated?  You decide.

  1. Midnight Boy – Don’t say no
  2. Caroline Wennergren – Black swan
  3. JTR – Building it up
  4. Hasse Andersson – Guld och gröna skogar (Gold and green forests)
  5. Dinah Nah – Make me (La la la)
  6. Annika Herlitz – Ett andetag (One breath)
  7. Måns Zelmerlöw – Heroes


One thought on “Melodifestivalen 2015 Semi-Final 4”

  1. Not a surprise to see Mans go directly to final, but a huge and very happy surprise to see JTR also proceed. Yayyyyyyy

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