Morten Thomassen reports today on the song from MALTA, which ended in35th place at the 2022 Eurovision song contest. ESC Covers google translated it again from Norwegian.

Today comes another country many had thought would be able to capture a final place, but those who voted would definitely do it differently.

Emma from Malta had probably expected and hoped for something more than 16th place, but she should be happy with what she got.

Here, too, I put most of the blame on the fact that the vocals mostly failed somewhat so graciously for this lady on her big night in Turin.

I also want to put a lot of the blame on those who came up with the stage show young Miss Muscat had to perform.

It shows absolutely everything that is wrong with the new rules where you can have choir “on tape” and then rather bring dancers on stage.

There is not much wrong with the song, it would only have been so much better if Emma had had real vocal backing on stage instead of four pale dancers who probably did not exactly do the most advanced dance movements.

It is very possible that nervousness ruined a lot here, however, the lady had the vocal problems on the rehearsals as well, but maybe not as bad as when it was to be sung live during the broadcast.

Strangely enough, this song got more points from the jury than from the people, do not quite remember if Emma might have been chopped less not vocally in the jury final.

The Swedish jury thought this was the fourth best song of this semi-final thanks to the fact that two of the jury members there had this song in second place.

This small island state in the Mediterranean participated for the first time in 1971 and thus have the longest ESC history without having won, they were a relatively big favorite last year and have probably done best when the person in question has been very steady in that area, I’m just mentioning it somehow.

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