So difficult to find a quote here because there is so much but least settle for this
I’m sure I had my dinner watching something on TV, there’s not, I think, a single episode of Dallas that I didn’t see.
Now the question is, is there a SINGLE EDITION of EUROVISION you have not seen? And why?
For me from 1980 when I saw the first on video cassette from a penfriend, there is not a single edition of Eurovision I had not seen – however prior to 1980, I have not seen a single episode.
Since I started watching Eurovision only in 2003 there are so many I haven’t seen. I’m actually looking into finding all the editions I haven’t seen and watching them now. It will be interesting to see how the contest has changed through the years. I’m really interested in 1998 because it housed one of my favourites, imani’s ‘where are you’
I started watching Eurovision in 1997, however I have Seen snippets of “famous” songs but not seen an entire show prior to that. Devastatingly, I missed 2002 (ok, or not so devastatingly), but I have seen it since.
I will never miss another one until I die, that is a promise!!
I have seen every Eurovision Song contest since 1999 more or less as they happened, as part of SBS Australia’s broadcast down under.
However recently since u-tube have had whole programs available, I have watched many vintage Eurovision Song Contests, and certainly 1972 & 1974 were always of great interest to me just because of the winners Vicky Leandros & Abba.
The past Eurovision Song Contest I can recommend watching for the first time is most certainly 1991 from Roma. I saw ESC 1991 for the first time- just recently, This year has a lot of stand out songs from Carola, Sergio Dalma & Amina & Samantha Janus that year, but it is the only time Eurovision had a two way tie for first place. This made the voting extra extra exciting, as well as interesting postcards (the ESC artists sing an Italian classic song of their choice!! )
and you can view it with ole Sir Terry Wogan commentary with this show as well…–1g
1991makes for great viewing if you have 3 hrs free and one of my favourites now.
For me, it’s anything prior to 2000. The year 2000 was the first year I had exposure to the show, and especially since the rise of internet transmission and DVD sales, anything after that is pretty easy to find! I have seen highlights before that time, and I have enjoyed particular shows (such as Zagreb 1990) through internet combing, but I really would be excited if there were a “collector’s edition” compilation of all the earlier years, though!
Kyle yes it is easy these days to find do technically every year is available but I hate TV in black and white and so I do not want to see those years when it was not in colour.
i actually reall need to catch up with the really early years from 19555 to 1971. I have seen videos of winners and clips of singers I have been interested in but never have watche a full episode. I have managed to watch every episode after that, either in Austria or here in Australia. If I missed it on SBS YouTube helped me to catch up.
For me, I haven’t seen any full editions before 2002. I’ve watched plenty of clips on YouTube of big songs but I’ve got a lot of catching up to do!
There are too many I did not see yet. I watch ESC since the first Hungarian entry, 1994. It’s hard to find the previous shows, but thanks to the internet, I found most of them. Last time I watched 1973 and 1966. The hardest to watch, it’s 1956, the very first show! All the others are on the internet, but 1956 is only an audio record with pictures…
Thankfully to the joys of modern technology and some well written Christmas lists, I own and have watched every year of Eurovison expect for the 2 years that weren’t recorded 1956 and 1964. It is truly amazing to see how the contest has evolved and grown throughout the years.
I still live in hope that those 2 years of eurovision may be found in someone’s garage or attic one day!
My first Eurovision was 2001 and I haven’t really watched full editions except 1999 and 2000 before that. I have seen so many clips of various songs and participants throughout the 60 years thanks to Youtube but I reckon I still got a lot more Eurovision songs and editions to discover. Funnily enough I have watched all of the former Yugoslavia and Portugal entries because I was intrigued with these countries and love their style of songs. I’ve always thought Eurovision was always a decade or even few centuries behind (see Yugoslavia 1968) in terms of current music trends at the time with some notable exceptions. But since the mid 2010s I believe Eurovision is finally on par with current music trends. I love some Eurovision vintage gems, love going back in history, checking out the fashions, stage design, scoreboards, but to be honest my ears aren’t generally big fans of music before the 1990’s (unless it’s epic!) and I can’t watch low resolution Youtube full videos for too long. Hurts my eyes!
My first memory of Eurovision was when watching Johnny Logan win for Ireland in 1987 with Hold Me Now. Prior to that I had not seen any editions of Eurovision. From that moment I was hooked and watched it every year since then. I have since gone back and watch most of the earlier editions but it’s not the same as watching it live, deciding on your favourites and then going through the emotional rollercoaster that is the voting !
I think I’ve been able to see all the shows since 1998 or 1999 (glad I didn’t miss LORDI!). But looking back over the years, I think the ones I’d most like to see are 1974 (of course… I love POOGY/KAVERET! Oh, and for ABBA too), 1978 (Israel’s first win—though I have seen YIZHAR COHEN’s g r o o v y performance), and 1988 (just to see Celine Dion in that nailbiter of a win)!
Alas, I’ve missed so many. I first learned of Eurovision in 1983-84 when I went to Sweden as an exchange student. Before then, it was completely unknown to me. Then after I moved back to the USA, I couldn’t figure out how to see broadcasts. But since 2007, I’ve watched every one. I’m really grateful that the official Eurovision site now does a streaming broadcast that can be seen everywhere. I’ve gone back and sampled performances from many years that I’ve missed, but I there’s just so much to see and not enough time.
I started watching ESC in 2006, so there are many editions I have not seen prior to that year. Since then though, I’ll admit I drifted in 2008 for a year or two.
I was spoiled by the over-the-top camp that was present in my first two years of 2005 and 2006, so when 2007 came around I felt a bit disappointed. Obviously I gave the Contest another shot and have been watching every year since!