Tag Archives: San Marino


ESC Covers sent some questions to KRZYSZTOF STER of Poland who is a candidate in the San Marino 2018 selection. We got the answers back via his manager AGNES.

I deal with music in my everyday life. I’m a singer – I sing, I give concerts, but I’m also a musician, instrumentalist and composer, I play many instruments (I was once known as a drummer in many bands), I compose music, I write lyrics, I create music videos, but I’m also an actor and an extra ( I play in TV series, programs, music videos and I took part in many different productions). Generally I’m a one man circus. And I’m a collector. I gather American cars and cowboy boots, I currently have 50 pairs of them;). I could write a lot of other things, because since my childhood I’ve been connected to the world of performing arts. I have sung since I was a child, then I practiced ballroom dance, then I learned playing many instruments. I’ve played a lot of concerts in my life. Being on stage is the most important thing for me and I chose this as a way to live. It is not easy but I do my best. I am inspired by a variety of music such as opera arias, rock’ n’ roll or dance music, and for a good reason I am considered “one of the best Elvis Presley voices in Poland”. That is why I invent everything on my own, I do not draw inspiration from anyone else’s performances, I try to develop everything, even the appearance on the stage.

I applied to the San Marino’s pre-selection, because the process of application was easy to understand, everything was well described and clear. Unfortunately in my country everything must be difficult and till this day there is no information whether the pre-selection will take place. Besides, I think that you need to expand your options, which is why I considered this to be my next career path.

If I am chosen, I could sing in Polish but I would rather sing in English, as a language spoken globally.

Yes, I would consider this. I used to sing in a duo with the Polish opera diva, so it is not a problem for me.

At the same time, I invite you to my fanpage:

e-mail: krzysztofster@onet.pl

Listen to the soulful voice of Gvantsa Saneblidze in the San Marino online contest

Gvantsa Saneblidze
Gvantsa Saneblidze

Gvantsa Saneblidze has entered the online competition organised by 1in360 to try and represent San Marino at the 2018 Eurovision Song Contest and also earn a record deal. She has uploaded a video singing live the Natalie Cole song A Song For You.

Gvantsa shows her mature and soulful vocals on this song but she can easily adapt to many styles of music such as pop and blues and jazz.

Gvantsa knows what is like to be a winner as she was part of the popular and successful Group Candy who won the 2011 Junior Eurovision Song Contest with Candy Music for Georgia. She was also back on the Eurovision stage just last week as part of the dynamic and funky interval act backing Lizi Japaridze (Lizi Pop) and Helen Kalandadze.

You can vote for Gvantsa by liking her at this link https://www.1in360.com/fullscreen-page/comp-jan7q43r/750ec137-d634-11e7-bb53-12dd26dd586a/5/%3Fi%3D5%26p%3Dq9avp%26s%3Dstyle-jan7q43s1

The video for A Song For You can also be seen below.

Source: ESC Covers


Anita Simoncini hopes for success in the San Marino online competition

Anita Simoncini from The A Team video
Anita Simoncini from The A Team video

Anita Simoncini has entered the competition to find the next Eurovision entry for San Marino at the 2018 Eurovision Song Contest. She has submitted a video of herself singing The A Team by Ed Sheeran.

Anita represented San Marino at the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest with Michele Perniola with Chain Of Lights and also was part of The Peppermints at the 2014 Junior Eurovision Song Contest singing Breaking My Heart also representing San Marino.

You can vote for Anita at the 1in360 website https://www.1in360.com/fullscreen-page/comp-jamd7ttn/7be7b68e-436d-45d7-baee-106d393040e1/11/%3Fi%3D11%26p%3Ddty6r%26s%3Dstyle-jamd7ot6 and you can also view the video of her singing The A Team on youtube below.

Source: ESC Covers


Nicole Azzopardi enters the race to represent San Marino at the 2017 Eurovision Song Contest

Nicole Azzopardi - photo by Steven Levi Vella
Nicole Azzopardi – photo by Steven Levi Vella

Nicole Azzopardi is the young and talented singer from Malta and she has now entered the race to represent San Marino at the 2017 Eurovision Song Contest and earn a record deal via the online competition at 1in360.

Nicole has submitted the charming Italian song Dimme Come and the video showcases her charming and clear vocals.

Nicole represented Malta at the 2010 Junior Eurovision Song Contest with Knock Knock…Boom! Boom!

You can vote for Nicole by clicking on the heart and making it red at https://www.1in360.com/fullscreen-page/comp-ja85mpup1/e50419c3-df60-4773-bc7d-15ac815169d4/9/%3Fi%3D9%26p%3Dnbarg%26s%3Dstyle-jafefjo7

The video clip for Dimme Come can be seen also below.

Source: ESC Covers






Two more candidates to watch out for in San Marino submissions for 2018 Eurovision

The competition is heating up in the race to find the candidate(s) to represent San Marino at the 2018 Eurovision Song Contest with opportunity to submit videos in an online competition courtesy of 1in360.

A couple of candidates to look out for are Karl William Lund, former UK national final contestant in 2016 and Franklin Calleja,  Malta Eurovision Song Contest national finalist in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016.

Check out the links here and vote if you like Karl https://www.1in360.com/fullscreen-page/comp-ja85mpup1/5fce1db1-4115-4bec-9fe0-93572732fe20/16/%3Fi%3D16%26p%3Dnbarg%26s%3Dstyle-jab3uace

and Franklin https://www.1in360.com/fullscreen-page/comp-ja85mpup1/5fce1db1-4115-4bec-9fe0-93572732fe20/16/%3Fi%3D16%26p%3Dnbarg%26s%3Dstyle-jab3uace







Marli Le Grange enters the battle to represent San Marino at the 2018 Eurovision Song Contest

Marli Le Gtange {copyright: facebook.com/marli.legrange/MAD Entertainment}
Marli Le Gtange {copyright: facebook.com/marli.legrange/MAD Entertainment}

Marli Le Grange is a great new talent from South Africa who can sing a variety of styles of songs. She has decided to enter the online competition to try and represent San Marino at the 2018 Eurovision Song Contest.

She has submitted a video clip of her latest single entitled Jodel. It is an Afrikaans cover of the 2017 Eurovision song of Romania by Ilinca & Alex Florea, Yodel It!

Marli is currently working on her album and is working on two more Eurovision songs, which we will tell you about in due course.

If you want to vote for Marli please see the link here https://www.1in360.com/fullscreen-page/comp-j9o8v4k9/6dee5cf6-f796-4de4-914d-0d2e90fcfec3/23/%3Fi%3D23%26p%3Do8vm5%26s%3Dstyle-j9ybztn9

You can see the video for Jodel also below.

Source: ESC Covers


Kurt Anthony hopes for success in San Marino online Eurovision competition….and beyond!

Kurt Anthony {copyright: facebook.com/kurt.cassar1}
Kurt Anthony {copyright: facebook.com/kurt.cassar1}

Kurt Anthony is a promising and talented singer from Malta with a powerful voice. He has entered the online competition to try and represent San Marino at the 2018 Eurovision Song Contest via 1in360.

Kurt also has his eyes on what would be a massive achievement. He is auditioning for America’s Got Talent soon. So, ESC Covers wishes him good luck in his goals.

Kurt has also tried for the Malta Eurovision Song Contest and just missed out on making it to the forthcoming final next year.

You can vote for Kurt at this link https://www.1in360.com/fullscreen-page/comp-j9enrdga/0232b0d6-f92d-47a4-81e2-0873224776d6/19/%3Fi%3D19%26p%3Dxq2d3%26s%3Dstyle-j9ietn04 and you can see the video of him singing below.

Source: ESC Covers


Dario & Grecia Bezzina hope for success in the online San Marino Eurovision selection

Dario & Grecia Bezzina {copyright: ESC Covers}
Dario & Grecia Bezzina {copyright: ESC Covers}

The talented siblings from Malta, Dario & Grecia Bezzina are hoping for success in the online selection process that will select the 2018 San Marino Eurovision act.

Dario & Grecia have uploaded a video of them performing 13, Strada Stretta. This is a song they participated in at the Maltese festival Ghanja Tal Poplu.

You can vote for Dario & Grecia at this link https://www.1in360.com/fullscreen-page/comp-j9ig8ubs1/a42d5dde-d2e5-4c79-8355-7be30dbc8663/4/%3Fi%3D4%26p%3Dq7cp4%26s%3Dstyle-j9jzfjr8 and you can see the video below.

Source: ESC Covers


Check out these acts in contention for 2018 San Marino Eurovision participants

San Marino/1in360
San Marino/1in360

The competition is heating up in the 1in360 online competition of who could possibly be chosen by San Marino for the 2018 Eurovision Song Contest. Let us check out some more acts –

A favourite with ESC Covers is the talented singer Tahmina Niyazova from Tajikistan. She has submitted a video of her singing I Surrender by Celine Dion. You can see her video below.


Next up we have Elvira Michieva who is from Azerbaijan but now living in Germany. She took part in the Azeri Eurovision selection in 2010. You can see her singing the Whitney Houston classic I Have Nothing below.


Now we have Glenys Vargas & Kevin Ettienne who performed in the Sunčane Skale festival in Montenegro. Glenys was also on the Eurovision stage as a backing singer with Juliana Pasha for Albania in 2010.


Check out all the participants so far at https://www.1in360.com/ and click on candidates.

Source: ESC Covers; 1in360


Julian Lesinski, the Polish singer who has published a video for the San Marino 2018 selection, lists a lot of Euro singers he likes. He has covered HERO from Charlotte already but what other song do you think he should cover?

Tell us the song from the list of artists he lists and whether he should cover it in English or Polish or German or Russian

You can write to us at roy@esccovers.com

ESCCovers would like him to do a full CD with 8 or so covers – half in English and half in Polish.

Here is the list of songs Julian lists

Joy Fleming – Ein Lied kann eine Brücke sein
Max – Can’t wait until tonight
Marija Stesic – Rjeka bez imena
Helena Paparizou – My number one
Lisa Angell – N’oubliez pas
Sergej Četković – Moj Svijet
Poli Genova – If love was a crime
Greta Salome – Hear them calling
Juliana Pasha – It’s all about You
Hovi Star – Made of stars
Juri Pootsmann – Play
Kaffe – Lorraine
Marco Mengoni – L’Essenziale
Lena – Taken by a stranger
Roger Cicero – Frauen Regier’n die Welt
Mietek Szcześniak – Przytul mnie mocno
