Tag Archives: One more time


It took almost 22 years but finally the CD single of the 1995 selecting song DET VACKRASTE by Cecilia Vennersten is in the ESC Covers collection. This song was a major hit and many fans thought it was better than the actual song SE PA MEJ by Jan Johansen. Both rank among the best songs ever to come from Sweden. This song in various covers are already in the collection

One more time- Living in a dream (English)

Frans Bauer – ‘n Lied voor iedereen (Dutch)

Dana Winner – I’ll sing a song today (English)

Dana Winner – Ik zing vandaag een lied (Flemish)

Dana Winner – Ein lied for diese welt (German)

And hopefully an Afrikaans cover can be added soon



The Norwegian winner of 1995 was not at all my taste – too instrumental but I was able to have Eurovision in my most love country of Europe at that time – Norway. This was so special in so many ways. Getting to Oslo was quite a challenge – shortly before my trip the airport in Dusseldorf was destroyed in a fire and I had to change my flight plans. I decided to fly to Frankfurt and took a train to Oslo, so it took longer than anticipated and so I arrived only on the Monday evening and missed the welcome party.

In 1996 Eurovision came for the first time to the Norwegian capital of Oslo. When the artists arrived on the Sunday before Eurovision it was 25 degrees and full summer. The final-day they woke up to a little bit of snow on the ground. And since the final was on May 18, all the artists could experience the national day of 17th of May. This day is always celebrated with children parading the streets and all the artists, delegates and journalists were invited to cake at the town-hall in Oslo. I was able to attend the party on Norway’s national day, which is the best party I have ever attended. I did not bring a jacket and had to borrow one from Oystein, my friend I was staying with. It was miles too big. The huge bowls of strawberries were such a treat and the interesting cakes – I never had such nice things to eat at Eurovision again.


But the biggest highlight was being able to GET all the entries on individual CD singles. The previous year I got about 60% but not all. Now I had been able to get each and every entry. What made it easy was the fact that most of the delegations stayed in the OSLO PLAZA next to OSLO SPECTRUM and just being in the hotel lobby, you were bound to run into 4-5 artists all the time.

I think Eurovision 1996 was also the only year that accreditated journalists could travel for free on taxi’s and several journalists made good use of this. I did not use it as everything was within walking distance.

Another highlight was meeting the Swedish group ONE MORE TIME who a year or two before had a monster hit in South Africa with HIGHLAND – one of the members of this group is the son of Benny of Abba. They were delighted that I brought them a copy of Highland, the South African release.

In Oslo the pigeonholes were open and everybody ould wonder around them and even helped themselves to stuff in your pigeonhole so I rather tried to speak direct to the delegations and artists and get the promo singles. My pigeon hole was not located at a good spot, right next door to the water machine.

I had a fantastic time with Regina from Slovenia and her husband. They had not before met someone from South Africa and she was delighted that I like her entry. She signed it for me and infact 5 more copies for friends of mine in South Africa I took back as gifts.

OGAE Norway had made a special CD for this year called 20 YEARS WITH TURKEY IN THE EUROVISION SONG CONTEST and many fans bought a copy.

Pity the Finnish entry scored so badly, I do like the song Niin kaunis on taivas by Jasmine. On the promo single there is also versions in English, Swedish and French and they even gave us the sheetmusic to the song. I collected sheetmusic especially in the 80’s.

One of the major things of 1996 was the fact that more countries wanted to take part in EUROVISION than time allowed and so all entries were judged by a panel of people and several did not make it to OSLO. One casualty was Hungary; their song Fortuna was one of my top favourites. After Eurovision I rushed by train to Budapest to try and buy it before flying home to Johannesburg from Frankfurt.


Also the German entry by Leon PLANET OF BLUE did not qualify, making it the only time Germany has not taken part in Eurovision. As Germany is the biggest financial contributor to Eurovision, a new rule was made to allow the BIG 4/5 countries direct access to Eurovision.

The last big loss was the Danish song – it was not selected for Oslo. To be fair, it was sung in Danish, but when the composer wrote English lyrics and got his group to record it, the song became a huge hit as PAINT MY LOVE by MICHAEL LEARNS TO ROCK.

Musically, the best songs were
Belgium – Liefde is een kaartspel – Lisa del Bo
Sweden – Den vilda – One more time
Norway – Evigkeit – Elisabeth Andreassen
Slovenia – Dan najlepsih sanj – Regina

Of course there were a few horrors as well
Iceland – Sjubidu – Anna Mjoll
Spain – Ay que deseo – Antonio Carbonell
Poland – Chce znac swoj grzech – Kasia Kowalska



Yes it is time for the 6th competition in our series of ten in the run-up to the 2016 Eurovision song contest. Because we are in Sweden and in Stockholm, most of the competitions will center around ABBA, the museum and other Swedish artists.

With the compliments of STERLING MUSIC, two copies can be won of the Afrikaans cover of the 1996 Swedish Eurovision entry, DEN VILDA originally sung by ONE MORE TIME – this trio featured Peter, the son of Benny of Abba and Peter’s wife Nanna and her sister. R O W will hand a copy of it to One more time in Stockholm but two lucky fans can each have a copy of it.

In Afrikaans it is called WIEGELIED (Lullaby).

The question for this is, if you have to sing a lullaby to a baby, which Eurovision song will you pick and why. Once again answers must be placed on this post as comments.

1-one more time