Sebastian Charelle covered the 2010 Eurovision entry from the Netherlands SHA LA LIE of Sieneke in German as SHA LA LIE (ICH BEN VERLIEBT).
In position 4 is the 3rd song from 2010 in the top 10 (a REALLY fantastic year). It is the entry from Netherlands IK BEN VERLIEFD (SHA LA LIE) by Sieneke.
Vinzzent featuring Javi Escalera & Gil Lopez covered the 2010 Eurovision entry from the Netherlands in Spanish as SHA-LA-LIE (ERES MI AMOR).
Vinzzent recorded the 2010 Eurovision entry of the Netherlands IK BEN VERLIEFD (SHA-LA-LIE) in Dutch.
Janneke de Roo covered the 2010 Eurovision entry from the Netherlands SHA LA LIE (IK BEN VERLIEFD) in the Drentse dialect.
Jessica Ming covered the 2010 Eurovision entry from the Netherlands in German as ICH BIN VERLIEBT.
Steven Sterling did a fantastic cover of the 2010 Eurovision entry from the Netherlands. He calls it UMHLANGA ROCKS which is the name of a holiday town north of Durban.
We start today with a new daily series with will probably stretch over 100 days to look at various EUROVISION composers but at OTHER songs they have composed. Often a Euro composer has just made it with one song in Eurovision but has had many others released and some even were bigger hits.
The first one is PIERRE KARTNER of THE NETHERLANDS. ESCCovers likes the song he wrote for SIENEKE called IK BEN VERLIEFD (SHA LA LIE). It was the entry of the Netherlands in 2010.
The song we look at is ALLEEN DROMEN DOEN WE APART (The only thing we do apart is dreaming) sung by the Dutch duo of Frank & Mirella. The single came out in 1994.
So much fun
31 – Ik ben verliefd (sha la lie) – Sieneke (Netherlands 2010)