Our first Australian-designed Good Luck Message to Guy Sebastian has been jointly created by Luke Brighty and Michael Wing Lun. I love the Aussie singlet boys!
Click on the image to enlarge.
AUSTRALIA: Luke Brighty and Michael Wing Lun, Australia
This is the second Good Luck Message Pavel has submitted. This time it is for Guy Sebastian from Australia. Again, thank you Pavel.
Click on the image to enlarge.
AUSTRALIA: Pavel Marozau, Belarus
Romania will be represented by Voltaj who will sing De la capăt (From the beginning). Luke Brighty has done a powerful message for Voltaj!
ROMANIA: Luke Brighty, Australia
Michael Wing Lun has created a great fan message for Knez who will represent Montenegro in Vienna.
MONTENEGRO: Michael Wing Lun, Australia
Getting into the swing, Michele Acott has created a wonderful Good Luck message for the UK artists ‘Electro Velvet’.
UNITED KINGDOM: Michele Acott, Australia
Ann Sophie will represent Germany in Vienna this year. A Good Luck message to Ann has been prepared by Hien Djie from Perth, Australia.
GERMANY: Hien Djie, Australia
Danish-Australian Kate Hansen has written the Good Luck message to ‘Anti Social Media’ who will represent Denmark in Vienna with their song ‘The Way You Are’.
DENMARK: Kate Hansen, Australia
Matt Kelly has been very creative in both his use of text and image in producing the Good Luck Message for Greece.
GREECE: Matt Kelly, Australia
Here is the beautiful message for ESTONIA, GOODBYE TO YESTERDAY
Adele Adelle from Australia has prepared one of the two the Good Luck Messages for Finland.
Adele Adelle, Australia
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