Tag Archives: Gagnamagnið (Think About Things)


Last night was the last of three shows in Austria about the 2020 Eurovision song contest. The three show winners are Iceland, Malta and Austria and then they voted for the final winner which turned out to be ICELAND. So that is why the promo single cover of ICELAND gets its turn today as the 19th promo single. The song is THINK ABOUT THINGS and we do have a lot of time now to think about things during the isolation. The song is being performed by Daði og Gagnamagnið.


Daði & Gagnamagnið to represent Iceland at the 2020 Eurovision Song Contest

Daði & Gagnamagnið @RÚV
Daði & Gagnamagnið @RÚV

Daði & Gagnamagnið have won the Söngvakeppnin national selection with Gagnamagnið (Think About Things) and will represent Iceland at the 2020 Eurovision Song Contest.

You can see the winning song below.

Source: ESC Covers