Tag Archives: ESC Covers


IAN and ANDY, who are in Madrid for ESC COVERS for Junior Eurovision 2024, ran into CHANEL DILECTA and she recorded a message for ESC COVERS. Continue reading MESSAGE FROM CHANEL DILECTA, JUNIOR EUROVISION 2022 TO ESC COVERS


During the Swedish Eurovision 2024 final in Stockholm, ESC Covers recorded some performances at a party. One of them was SILVESTER BELT from LITHUANIA with his 2024 Eurovision entry LUKTELK. Continue reading SILVESTER BELT WITH LUKTELK PERFORMING FANTASTIC ON ESC COVERS YOUTUBE CHANNEL

ESC Covers: chance to win promo items via Twitter posts

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We have not written about this in detail, but ESC COVERS website did not get a single accreditation for the 2018 Eurovision song contest in Lisbon. We are a small website and did not expect tons of accreditations – we applied for 2 on day one in January and never heard a word until a day or two before the April deadline and then we were told by the EBU PRESS that ESC COVERS won’t get any P accreditation. This was such a slap in the face for us – we are just two people working on it and Eurovision is our passion – Roy from South Africa has attended Eurovision non stop since 1993 and in 1995 got his first accreditation and has always had it. Ian from the United Kingdom has been to Eurovision also at least 20 times in the last 30 years. Both have also attended several Junior Eurovisions – notably Malta (2016) and Georgia (2017) and Belarus (2010).

In Lisbon ESC Covers discovered several other websites with 2 or more accreditations and have posted almost nothing compared to ESC Covers who almost do a post daily all year round – yes ESC Covers is a nitch website but it is the only one based in AFRICA covered Eurovision. Roy focuses mainly on the covering of Eurovision songs in other languages by other artists while Ian’s passion is to follow the careers of singers who had been in the  various Eurovision  elections and ex Junior Eurovision singers. There are so many websites featuring the same news that it is stupid to keep on repeating that as we like to feature unique things that do not get attention. Unfortunately, this is not what the EBU press office looks at when giving accreditation – but they also ignore the fact that many of these sites buy views/likes and also have like 15 000 facebook friends from countries such a BANGLADESH. The changes to find one EUROVISION fan in Bangladesh will be hard 15 000 totally impossible.

Roy and Ian had thought long and hard about what to do as obviously they both would like to attend Eurovision in Israel in 2019 WITH ACCREDITATION so we are trying one last drive to improve our website’s statistics.

We have a fair amount of promo items – one each of like 10-12 countries and want to do a promotion with these – visitors to the website can win it – but they have to do a few things.

TWITTER is the one side of the website we sort of neglect as we both are not too technical so the idea is that these promo items can be won through twitter posts.

Each person can send maximum of 5 twitter POSTS per day for the next month (until 30 September). All these will go into a bowl and the winners be picked.

A twitter post has to be about something we have posted on any of the following countries











ESC Covers is pleased to announce that as of today, the website www.escpedia will become a sister website to ESC Covers.

Both websites were in Valletta for the 2016 Junior Eurovision and we got on very well.

Both websites are based in the Southern Hemisphere,  ESC Covers in South Africa and ESCpedia in Brazil. Both are based in countries not taking part in Eurovision and both are run by passionate fans of the contest. ESC Covers report in English and ESCpedia in Portuguese so we are not taking fans away from each other, and rather compliment each other.

We plan various joint projects in the run up to Kyiv 2017.

So a big welcome to Fabiana and her team from us at ESC Covers.

ESC Covers team meets Sofia Rol

Sofia Rol will sing Planet Craves For Love for Ukraine at the 2016 Junior Eurovision Song Contest. The ESC Covers team in Malta met up with Sofia and her team from Ukraine.

Sofia is in an upbeat mood and is happy to be here in Malta representing her country. She wants peace for the world and the lyrics of her song portrait her feelings. Sofia has a beautiful and charming appearance and her voice is clear and powerful.

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Source: ESC Covers