Tag Archives: Did You Know? (MASHUP)

Eliana Gomez Blanco records ‘Carol of the Bells / Mary, Did You Know? (MASHUP)’

Eliana Gomez Blanco
Eliana Gomez Blanco

Eliana Gomez Blanco has made a unique Christmas cover recording of Carol of the Bells / Mary, Did You Know? (MASHUP). It is a very clever and charming festive mix showcasing Eliana’s vocals and creative ideas.

Carol Of The Bells is a traditional Christmas Carol originating from Ukraine in the early 20th century. Mary, Did You Know? is a Christmas song by Michael English from 1984.

Eliana represented Malta at the 2019 Junior Eurovision Song Contest with We Are More. She is just 15 years old and write a lot of her own music. Eliana won the  Għanja Tal-Poplu Żgħażagħ 2018 with the song Dwell, as a duet with Aidan Jay Drakard.

You can see the music video for Carol of the Bells / Mary, Did You Know? (MASHUP) below.

Source: ESC Covers