Tag Archives: Celine Dion


It is now TIME to look at the 4th artist who will perform at the Eurovision convention in Frankfurt/Main, Germany.

It is BIANCA SHOMBURG who represented Germany at the 1997 Eurovision song contest with the Ralph Siegel and Bernd Meinunger song ZEIT. The English version is called TIME. So Bianca sang about Time long before Belarus had someone in 2015 and Ukraine someone in 2017 singing about TIME. Bianca sounds quite like Celine Dion and it is a pity we have not heard a lot from her in recent years. Maybe she will turn back the time in Frankfurt and sings some fantastic new songs.




ESC Covers and Eurovision South Africa asked 3 questions to the 3 girls who make up the group IN FUSION who will in the Norwegian Eurovision final. Here is the answers from Saima

1 – NORWAY – since you are Norwegian, what is your best highlight from a Norwegian entry?

– The Norwegian entry I remember the most, is from the year 2000.
“Charmed – My heart goes boom”
It’s not because it’s the best song I’ve heard in the contest, but it reminds me of my childhood. Something I really cherish! I was 10 at the time, and me and two of my friends used to record ourselves singing and dancing to this song.

2 – SWEDEN – since your composers are Swedish, what is your best highlight from a Swedish entry?

– Hmm…this one is tricky! Loreen’s performance with “Euphoria” from 2012 was amazing. But if we go back to the 70’s and 80’s and early 90’s, we have ABBA and Carola! I obviously don’t remember this, but I consider them highlights. Waterloo, Främling, Fångad av en stormvind! Songs people still know and sing.

3 – EUROVISION – now the same question of a Eurovision entry from any country but Sweden or Norway

– Conchita Wurst will always be memorable. A reminder that if you set your mind to it, you can do anything.
And who doesn’t remember the Russian babushkas?
And of course we have Céline Dion from 1988. Nobody knew who she was, and look at her now. One of the greatest singers we have!

Thank you so much for this – we agree 90% with you.

1-infusin (saima)




Going back to Ireland so soon was not that special. Ireland had won so many times in a relatively short span of time, so it was sort of boring. One good thing was that the venue was the same and I booked again at the same guest house where I stayed in 1995. This time I did not take chances with my flight and no Sudan airways. I flew British airways to London and then to Dublin. I however had a bad flight. There are many things I do not eat, so I always book a special meal. They slipped up and did not book it and the air hostess dare to tell me “This is not a restaurant, you have to eat what we have”. I was of course furious but not much I could do.

The Eurovision itself made up for this. 1997 was the year I got all the individual CD singles the fastest ever. By now the various delegations became aware of me, the only accredited journalist from Africa. I also were doing radio shows for the Greek/Cyprus radio station in South Africa (Radio Hellenic) and the Portuguese radio station in South Africa (Radio Cidade). Although I liked it a lot to do shows about Eurovision to these stations, the problem was that both were mainly interested in their entries and did not care about the entries of say Norway or Finland.

Very special to me was the fact that I met up with Ralph Siegel again – the last time I saw him was in Munich in 1983. He was there as composer for the German entry “Zeit” sung by Bianca Shimburg who sounded like a Celine Dion to me.

1997 also produced a huge winner – LOVE SHINE A LIGHT by Katrina and the waves and with Myrian Stockley from South Africa as one of the backing singers. I did not speak a lot to her – going to Eurovision surely was not to meet up with other South Africans when I could meet so many other people from all over Europe. I anyway hated the hit she had in South Africa with her sister a few years earlier as the Stockley sisters. Finnish singer Heidi Kyro covered Love shine a light in Finnish as “Paivanvaloon” which I regard as one of the best Finnish covers ever.

At that stage very few people knew it would be Italy’s last participation before their return in 2011. Luckily the Portuguese radio station was interested in an interview with Jalisse so I did interview them – but of course today I won’t recognize them and they also won’t recognize me.

Iceland caused some controversy with their entry by Pal Oscar. He was such a nice person to chat to and he gave me two of his CD’s. I was the first South African he has met.

I nearly lost a toe in the stampede to get the Hungarian CD single when someone quite heavy stepped on my right foot and I lost several toenails.

I admired one guy from the UK who was unable to get accreditation and he bought several copies of Love shine a light and stood most of the time at the artist entry to the venue and was able to get almost every entry in a CD swap – he giving them the UK entry in exchange for their entry.

I was looking forward to meet the Dutch composer Ed Hooijmans who had written several Dutch songs I like (for non Eurovision artists). But as he has a fear of flying, he was unable to come to Dublin. The Dutch press conference was quite interesting with the 5 females from Mrs Einstein who did not understand that although the press conference room was 90% packed with male journalists, very few asked questions. One of them joked and said “Do you want to know the size of our bra’s”. A journalist sitting in front of me then whispered to his friend “We’re more interested in the size of the jock straps of the guys from Blond” (the group from Sweden). It was already quite clear in those years that the majority of journalists at Eurovision are gay.

The bookmakers had Denmark’s entry by Cool Kai as their candidate for zero points, but the singer even made fun of it and had a party with that fact as its theme. It did not end up last and with zero points but I do not like rap and so it was my bottom song for 1997.

A disaster hit me on my return to Johannesburg. I had taken tons of photo’s and handed it in at my local CNA for development. There were 10 films of 36 photo’s each. When I went to collect them, they informed me that not a single photo came out, the films were destroyed and they blamed it on the airport security. That was the end of me taking photo’s at Eurovision.

Musically 1997 brought the following great songs
United Kingdom – Love shine a light – Katrina & the waves
Cyprus – Mana moy – Hara & Andreas Konstantinou
Ireland – Mysterious woman – Marc Roberts
Poland – Ale jestem – Anna Maria Jopek
Bosnia – Goodbye – Alma Cardzic
Malta – Let me fly – Debbie Scerri

I only hated two songs from 1997
Austria – One step – Bettina Soriat
Denmark – Stemmem I mit liv – Cool Kai

WALK ON WATER released as a single

Today Malta’s biggest pop star Ira Losco is releasing her single “Walk On Water” together with Warner Music Sweden. The song is written by a well known Swedish songwriter team and is one of the favourites to win Eurovision Song Contest in Stockholm. Ira’s single has already gained great attention in the social medias and the music video for “Walk On Water” has passed more than one million views on YouTube. The team behind this powerful song, beside the artist herself, consists of Swedish Melodifestivalen star Molly Pettersson Hammar, songwriter Lisa Desmond and producer duo Tim Larsson and Tobias Lundgren. Tim and Tobias were behind this year’s breakthrough success Boris René with the hit song “Put Your Love On Me” in the Swedish selections for ESC. They’re also known for their hits with Celine Dion and Susan Boyle, to mention a couple.

“Ira is an exceptional singer, and we think this is a very strong song not only for Eurovision but also for commercial release. We look forward to working with her over the next months, and of course to her visiting Stockholm for Eurovision itself,” said Robert Skowronski, A&R and Product Manager at Warner Music Sweden.

With a career spanning over 15 years and more than 20 Music Awards, Ira Losco is one of the biggest names in Malta’s music industry. Previously Ira has been opening concerts for Sir Elton John and performed alongside Akon, Maroon 5, Enrique Iglesias, Ronan Keating, Katie Melua, Tokio Hotel and others. Ira is also no stranger to Eurovision. She was 12 points of winning the Eurovision Song Contest in Tallinn in 2002. With four albums behind her, she is now back to fight for the winning spot in Stockholm. Ira will perform in the first Eurovision semi-final on May 10th.


Switzerland each year opens the field so wide that every Tom, Dick and Harry can upload a video on the internet and be in the running. Yet their results over the years while they have been using this method were not good enough when you potentially can get songs from every corner of the world. What are they doing wrong? Swiss TV has asked you to give them some advice and share ideas how to ensure that they end up with a top 5 placing in Stockholm.
For me the problem is that although potentially artists from all over the world can enter, when the finalists are picked, 90% of them are Swiss artists. They must look back at 1988 when they had Celine Dion from Canada and won. So it really is stupid to have artists entering from many countries but that should also reflect then the finalists that come to TV.


The titles of over 400 covers of Eurovision songs by South African artists have been loaded in the library and this is more or less complete with there and there the original title of a song to be added once I have checked the spelling. That is the first part of the library – the covers are done alphabetical by original country and inside each country, by date order. The second part is the covers of melodifestivalen songs and this index is in date order and is about 40% complete. I hope to have it finished before the 2015 edition of melodifestivalen starts. I also got requests to do a third section – this is covers of songs by EUROVISION artists, for example not just Abba’s Waterloo but every ABBA song that has been covered in South Africa. This has never really been done and so I have no idea how many such covers exist but I have already loaded a lot – covers from Euro artists such as ABBA, Nicole, New Seekers, Celine Dion, Karel Gott, Nana Mouskouri, Vicky Leandros, Olivia Newton John, Mouth & Macneal etc. Hopefully some fans will see some interesting covers and go and search for them on Itunes or Youtube or wherever. 99% of the songs listed are in my own private collection- either on CD or vinyl single.