Tag Archives: Austria

Interview: Zoë (2016 ESC Austria)

Zoë {copyright: gmx.at/ÖRF}
Zoë {copyright: gmx.at/ÖRF}

Zoë will represent Austria at the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest with her song Loin d’ici. Here she talks to esccovers.com.

Hello Zoë. Many congratulations on winning the 2016 Wer singt für Österreich?…and therefore representing Austria at the Eurovision Song Contest in May. How did it feel when you realised you had won?

When I heard the hosts say my name out loud I couldn’t believe it, I was completely overwhelmed and it felt quite surreal to me but when I started realising it I was extremely happy!

Can you tell us what ‘Loin d’ici’ is about?

The song is about the search for paradise, it is not necessarily a real place, more like an imaginary paradise, a place where you simply feel happy. Everybody has his own paradise, for me it is being on stage.

Will there be any other language versions of ‘Loin d’ici’ (for example German or English)?

Maybe,  but now we don’t have anything in mind.

Your album ‘Debut’ was released last year and all the songs are in French. I presume German is your natural language. What inspires you to sing in French? Do you have some French background?

My father and I, we both went to a French school, so we learned French from a very young age , still we never had planned to write French music together. One day I came home from school and my father and I started jamming together, suddenly I sang some French words, and it sounded natural and I felt good with it.

Have you heard the other Eurovision songs from this year? Do you have any favourites at this time?

I’ve listened to all of them , but I could not pick a favourite for the moment, I think I need to see the final performances first, but of course there are songs which got more stuck into my head than others.

Who are your musical influences?

I get inspired by all kinds of music, there is no specific artist who inspires me, I think what inspires me the most are singer songwriters who really spread the passion and energy that they put into their music.

Anyway thank you and good luck Zoë in May in Sweden.

You can see the official video for Loin d’ici below.

Source: www.esccovers.com

Sweden Songs publishing company have 10 songs in 2016 Eurovision selections

The music publisher, Sweden Songs, have an impressive 10 songs in contention in various national selections for the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest. At this time they have songs in the running in Lithuania, Moldova, Belarus and Austria.

4 Roses Butterfly (Calle Kindbom/Dan Fernström/Viktor Brunö) (split publishing with Yellow)
Baiba Skurstenė-Serdiukė Mayday (Daniel Persson/Magnus Mikaelsson)
Neringa Šiaudikytė  Never Knew Love (Tina A Hilli/Daniel Persson)
Ruslanas Kirilkinas In My World (Niklas Bergvist)  Lithuanian version lyrics
Aistė Pilvelytė  You Can’t Leave Me Now (Niklas Bergvist)
Beatrice Saved My Heart For You (Nicklas Säwström/Christian Löwenborg Wahlström)
Rafaella Hours Lost (Johan Wåhlander/Hannu Hemmilä/Hugo Lundgren)
Mihai Radu  I Walk Through Fire (Patrik Öhlund/Madelene Hamberg)
AUSTRIA (wildcard competition)
Celina Ann Life Is On Your Side (Niklas Bergqvist/Magnus Almgren/Celina Ann/ Valentin Oman)
Shir My Mind On You (Fredrik Hult/Bahman Ghanbari/Ina Forsberg) Artist  (split publishing with Firefly)
In 2015 Sweden Songs had 11 songs in various Eurovision national selection. They have also published songs for Eurovision acts such as Conchita Wurst (2 songs on her album), Ryan Dolan (ESC 2013 Ireland), Gianluca Bezzina (ESC 2013 Malta) and Farid Mammadov (ESC 2013 Azerbaijan) and many others.
Keith Almgren was a publisher  with Scandinavian Songs for Melodifestivalen winners Charlotte Nilsson (ESC 1999 Sweden winner) and Roger Pontare (ESC 2000 Sweden).
Source: www.esccovers.com


The points table will close on 31 October 2015.

There is one more chance for points but this is exclusively just for people who became members for 2016. We know some of you joined late and did not have all the chances for points like the older members (especially good luck messages). So here is your last chance – the closing date is 21 October 2015.
It is a much more difficult task but there are a lot of points at stake – two members can get 100 points each which will almost guarentee those two for ticket packages.
The two winners will be judges by a panel of three people
Andy Mikheev – Kazakhstan
Cole van Dais – South Africa
Gerry Avelino – United States
These three people are not taking tickets themselves so they will judge each entry purely on merit. They won’t even know who is who, as I will get the entries and give it to them just as entry from A or B or C, no names.
So unlike normal tasks, this task will requite a little more thought to make sure you stand a chance to be one of the two winners.
One of the most important aspects of EUROVISION is which countries will take part and fans are always sad when some countries decide not to take part. Recently we heard NO’s from Croatia, Bosnia and Portugal. But we also know Turkey, Slovakia, Luxembourg, Andorra and Monaco will not participate.
The task is, you have to pick one of these NON participating countries and write a letter to their HEAD OF TV ENTERTAINMENT and give reasons why you as a fan want this country to reconsider and take part.
I myself have done this several times and in the case of two, I have had some success in that these countries did take part and one even wrote to me saying my mail got them thinking. The first example is CZECH REPUBLIC 2015. I wrote a long letter to them once we knew Eurovision 2015 would be in Vienna. My reasons for them to take part is that in 1968 their most famous singer KAREL GOTT took part for Austria in Eurovision with a song composed by Udo Jurgens, the only previous Austrian winner and it would be wonderful to have them make a return in Vienna. Even in Vienna Marta and Vaclav spoke to me as they knew of the South African who is a huge Karel Gott fan. In my mail to Czech republic I attached also sales figures of Karel Gott covers in South Africa (12 of his songs have been covered in Afrikaans with sales to around 3 million). Of course they did write to me to say other factors played a role as well, but it was great that I reminded them about this special connection between Austria and the Czech republic.
The second example was AUSTRIA 2011 – and here I focused mainly on the fact that Eurovision 2011 was in DUSSELDORF in Germany and it would look awful if a fellow German speaking country is absent.
I know this is not going to be easy but a lot of points are at stake and so think carefully which country you will pick and what reasons you will use to get them to return.
I would like to send the best mails to these countries – maybe a last passionate plea would get maybe one to return. We have nothing to loose.

Answers to info@esccovers.com



20 FEBRUARY 2015

The Makemakes – Million Euro smile
Tandem – Zeig ihn mir
Wo/Men – Happy (Pharrell Williams cover)
Royal Kombo – Ram pam pam
Clara Blume – Love & starve
The Su’sis – This and that
Kathi Kallauch – Das Leben ist zu kurz
Johann Sebastian Bass – Heart of stone
Celine Ann – I never loved a man (Aretha Franklin cover)
Renato Unterberg – Love