Tag Archives: 2018 Junior Eurovision Song Contest

Listen to Marija Spasovska cover ‘Hallelujah’


Marija Spasovska has covered Hallelujah to celebrate the New Year. She does a great job of the Leonard Cohen and also big number one hit in the United Kingdom for Alexandra Burke. Her vocals are crystal clear.

Marija recently represented FYR Macedonia at the 2018 Junior Eurovision Song Contest with the emotional Doma.

You can see Marija perform Hallelujah below and also let us see her amazing performance of Doma in Minsk.

Source: ESC Covers; YouTube/Marija Spasovska

Bojana Radovanović impresses on Pinkove Zvezdice All Stars with ‘Pogledaj dom svoj, anđele’

boj1 boj2

Bojana Radovanović is currently taking part in the Pinkove Zvezdice All Stars tv show. She gave an impressive performance of Pogledaj dom svoj, anđele (Look at your home, angels) by the Serbian rock band Riblja Čorba.

Bojana is showing her versatility with a wide range of song choices on the tv programme and showcases her strong and powerful and beautiful voice.

Bojana represented Serbia at the 2018 Junior Eurovision Song Contest with Svet.

You can see Bojana perform Pogledaj dom svoj, anđele below.

Source: ESC Covers; Pink tv


Grigol Kipshidze & Tamar Edilashvili duet on festive show

Grigol Kipshidze & Tamar Edilashvili performed together on a New Year festive show in Georgia. They sang Faith by Stevie Wonder as used in the Sing movie soundtrack.

Grigol represented Georgia at the 2017 Junior Eurovision Song Contest in Tbilisi with Voice Of The Heart.

Tamar recently represented Georgia at the 2018 Junior Eurovision Song Contest in Minsk with Your Voice.

Both Grigol and Tamar have exceptional and soulful voices. The combination of them both singing Faith worked perfectly.

Watch Grigol and Tamar perform Faith below.

Source: ESC Covers; Imedi tv

Portugal: Watch Rita Laranjeira sing ‘Eu sei’ by Sara Tavares

Rita Laranjeira
Rita Laranjeira

Rita Laranjeira has recently performed on a couple of occasions Eu sei (I know) by Sara Tavares (1994 ESC Portugal representative).

She made a video at the college, where she met her first vocal teacher. The second was a performance was also with the teacher from the Colégio são José – Ramalhão. Rita was invited to sing at the Figueira Voz Fest in Portugal. On both videos she shows her powerful and clear vocals.

Rita also had a little fun where she made a light-hearted video for the Festive season, where wandered through a store enjoying the Christmas decorations and toys, and wishing everybody a Merry Christmas.

Rita represented Portugal at the 2018 Junior Eurovision Song Contest with the catchy Gosto de Tudo (Já Não Gosto de Nada).

Check out the videos of Rita singing Eu sei and her fun Christmas video below.

Source: ESC Covers


Rita Laranjeira busy with festive appearances in Portugal


Rita Laranjeira {copyright facebook.com/pedro Pacheco}

Rita Laranjeira has been busy since representing Portugal at the 2018 Junior Eurovision Song Contest with her upbeat song Gosto de Tudo. She has been showing her versatility as a young and talented artist.

Rita has appeared on tv performing Gosto de Tudo on the special edition of Natal dos Hospitais on RTP.

Also, Rita performed with the Kids On Broadway project on TVI.

Rita then took part in the Rock The 80s concerts as well as performing in several Christmas shows.

Check out Rita performing Gosto de Tudo and singing with the Kids On Broadway below.

Source: ESC Covers @ photos ESC Covers ; facebook.com/pedro pacheco


Georgia: Tamar Edilashvili was one of the bright stars at 2018 Junior Eurovision with ‘Your Voice’

Tamar Edileshvili {copyright: ESC Covers}
Tamar Edileshvili {copyright: ESC Covers}

One of the outstanding performances and memorable songs from the 2018 Junior Eurovision Song Contest was by Tamar Edilashvili. She represented Georgia with her song Your Voice.

Tamar gave a great show on the stage and her song was catchy and contemporary. She has a great charisma and was a pleasure to interview in Minsk. I am sure we will be hearing a lot more of Tamar in the future.

Let us look again at Tamar’s stage performance and also the interview she made with ESC Covers in Belarus.

Source: ESC Covers

Watch Bojana Radovanović sing ‘Molitva’ on Pinkove Zvezdice in Serbia

Bojana Radovanović {copyright: RTV Pink}
Bojana Radovanović {copyright: RTV Pink}

Bojana Radovanović has performed Molitva at the Pinkove Zvezdice show in Serbia. She was even dressed like the winner of the 2007 Eurovision Song Contest for Serbia, Marija Šerifović.

Bojana recently represented Serbia at the 2018 Junior Eurovision Song Contest in Belarus with her song Svet. She gave a charming performance on the stage/

Bojana told ESC Covers in Minsk she was heading straight back to Belgrade the day after Junior Eurovision to record her Molitva performance.

You can see Bojana perform Molitva below.

Source: ESC Covers; RTV Pink


The Teledetki young reporters make a cool documentary about 2018 Junior Eurovision

Daria, Elis, Maria from Teledetki
Daria, Elis, Maria from Teledetki

ESC Covers met with the three young reporters from the St Petersburg kids channel, Teledetki, in Minsk. Daria, Elis and Maria were there to report on the 2018 Junior Eurovision Song Contest.

The girls did a wonderful job and made interviews with singers and important people working on the show. They also got to ask questions at the press conferences for some countries.

The girls have produced a charming short video for Teledetki of their experience in Belarus.

Check out the video below.

Source: Teledetki; ESC Covers



Bojana Radovanović takes part in Pinkove Zvezdice All Stars competition

Bojana Radovanović {copyright: ESC Covers}
Bojana Radovanović {copyright: ESC Covers}

Bojana Radovanović charmed many at the 2018 Junior Eurovision Song Contest, where she was representing Serbia with her song Svet.

Bojana is a busy girl these days as she is also taking part in the popular Pinkove Zvezdice All Stars competition. Most recently she performed the song Samo u snu by Funky G on the show. The performance shows another side of Bojana with an upbeat and pulsating show on the stage.

ESC Covers wishes Bojana lots of luck in the Pinkove Zvezdice All Stars series.

You can see Bojana perform Samo u snu and relive her show of Svet at the 2018 Junior Eurovision below.

Source: ESC Covers; Pinkove Zvezdice/YouTube


Azerbaijan: Fidan Huseynova charmed many at the 2018 Junior Eurovision

Fidan Huseynova & her dancers {copyright: ESC Covers}
Fidan Huseynova & her dancers {copyright: ESC Covers}

Fidan Huseynova charmed many people with her appearance at the 2018 Junior Eurovision Song Contest with her song I Wanna Be Like You. She was always very sweet and kind during her rehearsal days and press conference.

Fidan celebrated her birthday in Minsk and she was given some flowers and a warm reception at the Press Centre of the Minsk Arena.

Fidan also spoke of her big interest of games and her experience and success at chess.

I Wanna Be Like You is a great song and the new version used in Belarus has a great production. Fidan and her dancers gave a wonderful performance.

You can see Fidan’s performance below.

Source: ESC Covers