Tag Archives: 1978 Eurovision Song Contest

‘Yes Sir, I Can Boogie’ is the anthem of the Scotland football team

The massive 70s number one hit song, Yes Sir, I Can Boogie, by Baccara has become the theme of the Scotland international football team. They have just exited the delayed Euro 2020 competition but the song will live on with the team and the fans.

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THE BAD OLD DAYS – CO CO (United Kingdom 1978)

Recently we finished with our Top 100 which were compiled from the top 10’s of 103 people. Now for about 2 weeks, Roy of ESC Covers will do his top 20 of Eurovision songs he would have liked in the top 100 but they did not make it.

On a side note, a big thank you to Carolina of Peru who drew the beautiful Johannesburg Eurofriend,  which we use as the featured image.

Continue reading THE BAD OLD DAYS – CO CO (United Kingdom 1978)