Artist and Song Announcement by Madrid Eurettefriend (Designed by Carolina Añazgo Leo):
“Hola Eurofans! I’m Madrid and tonight we’re going to have a Fiesta. And what of Fiesta do you ask? It’s all about my country choosing Eurostar for the upcoming Eurovision in Kyiv in May. So i’m making sure you’re going to dance to each esc song ever, so much as i do all the time, amigos!
These songs in my “selección nacional” have the beat and i have the ability to turn them into new dancesteps. And i love dancing all kinds of music, specially flamenco and ballet! Those are my fave music genres!” By Madrid Eurettefriend
Objetivo Eurovisión 2017 22:05 CET
Official Link:
Unoficial links:
Spain page at ESCKAZ: