This year’s biggest favorite, and I now understand that is really quite correct. This song is so life-affirming that one has to struggle not to get caught up in this. When it also has the melancholy undertone I always love, this is a knock for me. This has to win in my eyes.
One of many rock groups participating this year, this happens every year that someone “copies” last year’s winning song. Unfortunately, this is one of the most tame I’ve seen from a rock band. The song is very bland, but the guys have to make sure they look like real rock boys who have been on a stage before.
The Netherlands
Another song in its native language, and one of the songs many believe is one of the better ones. I do not know if I completely agree. This gets a little too dark and sad for me, she has such an appropriate intensity in the performance, but the song never manages to take off, but waits for something big that does not come.
Then it’s this year’s train ride that many people want to take part in. Here there is partying and fun from end to end and you just have to be happy about this. Throw in that everyone on stage oozes joy during the entire performance, this will take off in the hall without a doubt.
The Portuguese delegation has had an outbreak of Covid-19 and will practice later today.