World Youth Day is an event taking place in Krakow, Poland for 2016. A special song has been recorded and the Maltese version, Ħenjin Li Jħennu (Blessed are the merciful) has been released featuring several young and talented Maltese artists (some who have featured in Malta Eurovision national selections or Junior Eurovision local selections). The song is composed by Jakub Blycharz (the Maltese words and production are by Fr George Ocar Buttigieg OFMCONV) with help of ŻAK (Żgħażagħ Azzjoni Kattolika).
The acts taking part are Deborah C, Franklin Calleja, Joseph Refalo, Maxine Pace, Mikaela Bajada, Sarah Bonnici and Sebastian Calleja. Vocal direction was by Pamela Bezzina for VocalBooth and recorded with direction by Andrew Zammit.
You can see the official video for Ħenjin Li Jħennu below.
Source: ZAK Malta (You Tube); www.esccovers.com