It is no secret that the group LITESOUND of BELARUS is one of the top favourite artists of ESC Covers. Roy met them in 2012 in Baku and they became friends on Facebook.
Their arrest in Belarus in 2022 really shocked ESC Covers and now Andy Mikheev sent us yesterday a follow-up to the tragic story.
The LITESOUND brothers DMITRY & VLADIMIR KARYAKIN and their parents got 2.5 years of so called “freedom restriction”. They will have a day schedule with limited time given to get them to their jobs or go to a shop. The police can check at any point of the day if they follow the schedule. Evening and night they should spend at home. Every week they have to register at the police station themselves. You cannot drink alcohol or visit friends. If you do not have a job, the state will provide you with a low quality one as you cannot remain jobless.
Andy mentioned that a lot of protesters in Belarus got similar “sentences” and they are lucky not to be jailed.