Giulia Falcone and her beautiful version of ‘Les Feuilles Mortes – Autumn Leaves’

Giulia Falcone has recorded a French / English version of Les Feuilles Mortes (Autumn Leaves).

Giulia gives a charming interpretation of the song composed by Joseph Kosma and Jacques Prévert from the soundtrack of the movie  ‘Les portes de la nuit’ (Gates of the Night) released in 1946 and made famous by Yves Montand.

Giulia is a popular young star from Italy with clear and powerful vocals and has already released several successful songs in Italian and French. She was a popular contestant on The Voice France 2023.

You can see the music video for Les Feuilles Mortes (Autumn Leaves) below.

Source: ESC Covers – Photo from video clip of ‘Les Feuilles Mortes (Autumn Leaves)’


5 thoughts on “Giulia Falcone and her beautiful version of ‘Les Feuilles Mortes – Autumn Leaves’”

  1. It is truly extraordinary how Giulia has been able to give such an enchanting and original interpretation to Les Feuilles Mortes, a classic of French music. Her clear and powerful voice, combined with her ability to navigate between French and English, truly make her a versatile and talented artist. The song, which was made famous by Yves Montand, has been taken and transformed into a new, fresh, and engaging version thanks to Giulia’s performance. The fact that she was a popular contestant on The Voice France 2023 does not come as a surprise at all, considering her undisputed talent.
    I eagerly look forward to listening to more of the Fantastic Giulia’s works.

    È davvero straordinario come Giulia sia stata in grado di dare un’interpretazione così incantevole e originale a Les Feuilles Mortes, un classico della musica francese. La sua voce chiara e potente, unita alla sua capacità di navigare tra il francese e l’inglese, la rendono davvero un’artista versatile e talentuosa. Il brano, che è stato reso celebre da Yves Montand, è stato ripreso e trasformato in una nuova versione fresca e coinvolgente grazie alla performance di Giulia. Il fatto che sia stata una concorrente popolare a The Voice France 2023 non sorprende affatto, considerando il suo talento indiscusso. Attendo con impazienza di ascoltare altri lavori della Fantastica Giulia.

  2. MERVEILLEUSE ARTISTE la chanson sa passion elle nous entraine dans un autre univers ,ou toutes les notes et sa voix nous rendent ,joyeux ,une voix un diamant un soleil , sa beauté naturelle et sa gentillesse font de Giulia une grande Artiste , une étoile une future ,et presque star de la chanson sa place en haut de toutes les affiches des grandes salles merci Giulia pour tes splendides partage bisous bon vent ,tu a chanté cette chanson avec ton coeur et tes talents la beauté dans la voix et la douceur tout en étant puissante merci bisous

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