Today Morten Thomassen looked at the 2009 entry from Ukraine and especially at the clothes of the male dancers. ESC Covers google translated it from Norwegian to English.
We are going to the year our man Alexander Rybak swept all competitors off the field, but it wasn’t exactly in the costume area that he did it.
He must have wanted it to be in line with the song, and that was probably his intention as well.
One who took more responsibility in the costume area was Ukrainian Svetlana Loboda.
However, it was perhaps not her rather gorgeous red case of a dress that attracted the most attention from those watching.
Her male dancers were of the muscular type and there they had saved on the amount of clothes.
Only the shoulders and the area in the middle that should preferably not be shown were given their relatively scanty number of square centimeters to cover.
They looked like Roman soldiers with their helmets and rumor has it they “forgot” to wear knickers during the final dress rehearsal.
Maybe it caused a bit of a fuss because I sat in the front row during the final and I can confirm that the panties were back then.
However, if you like a lot of skin and relatively little clothing, this is the performance you should watch.