Željko Joksimović has released a brand new single entitled Olovni vojnik (Tin soldier). He has also released the official video to accompany the song. It is composed by Željko and Ljilja Jorgovanović.
Željko represented Serbia at the 2004 Eurovision Song Contest in Istanbul, Turkey with Lane moje and the 2012 Eurovision Song Contest in Baku, Azerbaijan with Nije ljubav stvar. He composed those songs as well as composing the entries for Jelena Tomašević (Oro – 2008 ESC Serbia), Hari Mata Hari (Lejla – 2006 ESC Bosnia-Herzegovina) and Knez (Adio – 2015 ESC Montenegro). He was also one of the presenters of the 2008 Eurovision Song Contest in Belgrade, Serbia.
You can see the official video for Olovni vojnik recorded in Maldives below.
Source: Željko Joksimović/You Tube; www.esccovers.com