Category Archives: Ylva & Linda Persson

Big success for Ylva & Linda Persson in 2018 Eurovision national selections season

Ylva & Linda Persson {copyright: ylvalindapersson/}
Ylva & Linda Persson {copyright: ylvalindapersson/}

The talented songwriting sisters Ylva and Linda Persson from Sweden are having much success with songs featured in several 2018 national selections around Europe.

Let us take a look at the songs and performers –

Monika UrlikMomentum with music, lyrics and production by Ylva & Linda featuring in the Poland final.

Anna Timofei – Endlessly with music and lyrics and production by Ylva & Linda Persson, Niklas Bergqvist, Simon Johansson, Georgios Kalpakidis in the Moldova final.

Doinița GhermanDance In Flames with music and lyrics and production by Ylva Persson, Linda Persson, Niklas Bergqvist, Simon Johansson also in the Moldova final.

Elena HasnaRevival by Ylva & Linda did the music, lyrics, production and mix with  Dan Attlerud also contributing to the lyrics. This song was in the Romanian semi-finals.



Anastasiya MalashkevichWorld On Fire by Ylva & Linda Persson, Niklas Bergqvist, Simon Johansson (Tracks of Sweden) is in the final of the Belarus selection.


Evgeniy DolichHolding You with music and production, lyrics and mix by Ylva and Linda Niklas Bergqvist, Simon Johansson, Demetris Ioakim featured in the Belarus semi-final.

Liene GreifāneWalk The Talk by Ylva and Linda and with Liene was featured in the Supernova selection in Latvia.

Source: ESC Covers